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Remember Your Baptism! A Pilgrimage for All Ages

September 7 | 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Whether you are a godparent, parent, grandparent, sponsor, or someone who simply wants to mark your own baptism, you’re warmly invited to make a pilgrimage to YOUR cathedral, Saint Mark’s, to explore what it means to have inquiring and discerning hearts across a lifetime, the courage and will to persevere, a spirit to know and to love God, and to have joy and wonder in all God’s works of creation, including you and me. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!

There will be reflection and activity stations for all ages (including the splash mat, weather permitting!) At 3:00 pm, we will gather at the font to renew our baptismal covenant in community. Registration requested.

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Free Event
Children & Families
Children Welcome to Participate
Wheelchair Accessible|Accessible Restrooms|Scent-Free|Quiet Spaces Available|Low-Light Spaces Available
All-Gender Restrooms Available
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Remember Your Baptism! A Pilgrimage for All Ages