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First Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The First Sunday of Advent. Father Carlos Caguiat will be presiding and preaching. Please contact the church office at 425-746-0322 or for the zoom link.


Advent Worship and Wreath Making

St. Luke's, Seattle 5710 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA, United States

Advent begins with the sights and sounds of the season. Sunday morning worship will be followed by an intergenerational Advent Wreath Making and crafts event. Food and beverages provided. $20 suggested donation for supplies.

Sundays in Advent Series

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us for the Sundays in Advent at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. This advent we will journey together in an intergenerational experience of worship where all members of our community will come together to learn and grow in our faith as we eagerly await the coming arrival of the Christ child.


Advent Lessons and Carols

Christ Church, Tacoma 310 N K St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Advent Lessons and Carols featuring the Christ Church Choir and Organ

Donations accepted

Queer Compline: Honor the Holy Dark

St. Matthew~San Mateo, Auburn 123 L St NE, Auburn, WA, United States

Queer Compline is a monthly evening prayer service by and for the LGBTQ+ community. We share a simple supper at 6:30 pm, and then a 20 minute compline service at 7 pm. Not queer, but want to come? We ask you invite a queer friend or family member and accompany them. Don't know queer folks? Come to our service on Sundays at 11 am and we will introduce you! Think you're queer, but not quite sure? You belong! This is


Advent Quiet Morning

Christ Church, Tacoma 310 N K St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Nature as Advent Mentor with The Rev. Jen Rude: With a spirit of curiosity, openness and learning from ancient wisdom, we’ll engage some of the elements of biomimicry as spiritual practices for more deeply reflecting on and entering into the season of Advent and its themes of waiting, watchfulness, preparation, and hope.


Second Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The Second Sunday of Advent. Father Alwyn Hall will be presiding and preaching. Please contact the church office at 425-746-0322 or for the zoom link.


Sundays in Advent Series

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us for the Sundays in Advent at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. This advent we will journey together in an intergenerational experience of worship where all members of our community will come together to learn and grow in our faith as we eagerly await the coming arrival of the Christ child.


Second Sunday of Advent with St. Nicholas Celebration

St. Peter's, Seattle 1610 S. King St, Seattle

St. Nicholas of Myra visits St. Peter's during our Holy Eucharist celebrating the Second Sunday of Advent. Visitors are asked to bring gifts of nonperishable food items for our Little Food Pantry, as well as socks, knit caps, hand warmers, and toiletry items for Operation Nightwatch. Live stream is available at

Choral Evensong on the Second Sunday of Advent

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Saint Mark's Cathedral invites one and all to offer their prayers and praises to God in a service of Choral Evensong on the Second Sunday of Advent. The Evensong Choir of skilled child, youth, and adult singers will offer sung prayers by the late 20th-century American composer, Gerre Hancock; settings of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis by Herbert Sumsion; and a much-beloved anthem about the enduring comfort and power of the One True Light even during the longest nights of

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

An evening of candlelight celebration is in store for Christmas Eve, December 24, at 5 & 8 pm. In-Person and Virtual

Lessons and Carols

St. Luke's Memorial, Tacoma 3615 N Gove St., Tacoma, WA, United States

Join us for a candlelit service with Christmas carols, hymns, and accompaniment from St. Luke’s Choristers and Chancel Choir. Please join us for a reception in the Parish Hall following the service.


Solemn High Mass for Thomas Merton

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

In commemoration of Thomas Merton, one of the most inspiring and influential Christians of the 20th century, St. Barnabas will celebrate a Solemn High Mass. a contemplative liturgy including Merton's eloquent words, chant, and incense. Additional parking is located in a lower lot, down the driveway from the church. In-Person Only

Donations Welcome

Third Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The Third Sunday of Advent. Father Carlos Caguiat will be presiding and preaching. Please contact the church office at 425-746-0322 or for the zoom link.

Sundays in Advent Series

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us for the Sundays in Advent at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. This advent we will journey together in an intergenerational experience of worship where all members of our community will come together to learn and grow in our faith as we eagerly await the coming arrival of the Christ child.


A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

St. Paul's, Bellingham 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA, United States

Join St. Paul's, Bellingham at their special service, Sunday, December 11 at 5:00pm for "A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols," featuring St. Paul's Choir, St. Paul's Handbell Choir as well as instrumentalists and soloists! Prelude begins at 4:45 pm. Childcare Available. In-Person Only

The Space Between

Grace, Bainbridge Island 8595 NE Day Rd, Bainbridge Island, WA, United States

A simple liturgy to honor the beauty in stillness, the shortening days, and the turning of the season.


Fourth Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The Fourth Sunday of Advent. Father Alwyn Hall will be presiding and preaching. Please contact the church office at 425-746-0322 or for the zoom link.


Sundays in Advent Series

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us for the Sundays in Advent at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. This advent we will journey together in an intergenerational experience of worship where all members of our community will come together to learn and grow in our faith as we eagerly await the coming arrival of the Christ child.


Sing & Play Along Messiah

St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah 325 SE Darst St, Issaquah

Come sing, play, or listen to the Christmas portion of G. F. Handel’s Messiah, under the direction of Dr. Jason Anderson.

Advent Service of Lessons and Carols

St. Peter's, Seattle 1610 S. King St, Seattle

A festive liturgy of Advent lessons and carols followed by Christmas revels, a bonfire, and refreshments on the labyrinth. A collection will be taken to benefit the Seattle Service Corps.


St. Luke's, Renton 99 Wells Ave S, Renton, WA, United States

Poetry and Music for the Winter Solstice.

Christmas Lessons and Carols

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Following the pattern of the traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols, made famous by King’s College, Cambridge, the Epiphany Choir will offer a celebration of favorite Christmas carols and anthems, having celebrated the four Sundays of Advent. Not meant to take the place of worship on Christmas Eve, this service offers an opportunity to invite others into the Christmas spirit and increase our sense of joy as we celebrate Christmas.


Christmas Lessons & Carols

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Following the pattern of the traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols, made famous by King’s College, Cambridge, the Epiphany Choir will offer a celebration of favorite Christmas carols and anthems, having celebrated the four Sundays of Advent. Early seating is advised. A festive reception will follow the service in the Great Hall. In-Person and Virtual

Comfort and Peace at Christmas: A Service of Healing for Aching Hearts

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

This liturgy (known in previous years as "Blue Christmas") will hold a space for prayerful care and companionship for those who find the holiday season a painful or difficult time.

The Longest Night

St. Paul's, Bellingham 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA, United States

Please join us for a contemplative service of healing and hope for those who are grieving this Christmas.

Blue Christmas

Faith, Poulsbo 20295 Little Valley Road, Poulsbo, WA, United States

A quiet Christmas service of words and music for those who desire peace during a hectic time and/or healing when Christmas joy seems elusive. In-Person Only

Liturgy of the Longest Night

St. Antony of Egypt, Silverdale 11885 Old Frontier Road NW, Silverdale, WA, United States

As we approach Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, we will take some time to be still, to acknowledge the dark, messy, or painful places in our lives and be reminded that Christ is shining His light and love into those places.

Blue Christmas

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

A quiet service on the longest night for those who may find Christmas difficult.


Blue Christmas

St. Luke's, Sequim 525 N 5th Ave, Sequim, WA, United States

This service is a collaborative one between Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, Trinity United Methodist Church, and St. Luke's Episcopal Church. In it, we remember that the holidays are painful and sad for some people. Through the Word of God and prayer, the service takes the congregation from lament to rising hope.

Quiet Christmas Holy Eucharist

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

For those of us experiencing loss or grief, Christmas can be an especially difficult time. St. Barnabas offers a special worship service open to everyone but especially meaningful for anyone who desires a quiet and tender way to celebrate this most holy time. Additional parking is located in a lower lot, down the driveway from the church. In-Person Only

Longest Night Blue Christmas

Trinity, Everett 2301 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA, United States

Trinity, Everett's Longest Night service retains the blue and silver liturgical colors of the Advent season. This special rite is a quiet Christmas Service for those who may be experiencing grief or personal challenges at the Holidays. All are Welcome from every tradition and faith community. This service includes prayers for healing and an an opportunity for remembering those we love and for entering into the quiet reflection that the season can offer. YouTube Link: In-Person and Virtual

Advent Lessons and Carols

St. John's | San Juan, Olympia 114 20th Ave SE, Olympia, WA, United States

St. John's, Olympia, celebrates the season of Advent with their annual Festival of Lessons and Carols service.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

St. Luke's, Sequim 525 N 5th Ave, Sequim, WA, United States

This traditional Christmas Eve service includes half an hour of hymn singing before the service, as well as a candlelight Eucharist. In-Person Only

Candlelit Christmas Eve Eucharist

St. Luke's, Seattle 5710 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA, United States

We meet in the historic Chapel for a sacred and holy celebration of the Nativity.

Christmas for All Ages

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

A Christmas Eve service for all ages, featuring favorite carols, the Christmas story, and Holy Eucharist.


Christmas Eve Service

St. John's, Snohomish 913 2nd St., Snohomish, WA, United States

Sung Holy Eucharist, Rite II. Childcare is planned. The service will be held in Lake View Hall.


Christmas Eve Family Service

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A musical prelude and carol sing begins at 3:50. The liturgy begins at 4 p.m. A service particularly appropriate for families with young children. Music by the choristers of the Choir School. Join in person in the cathedral nave, or via livestream at Saint Mark's Facebook or YouTube, or at

Christmas Pageant with Holy Eucharist

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Christmas at Epiphany is a special time. We welcome all families to the Epiphany Christmas Pageant, our family service on Christmas Eve. This is a service for everyone to understand the Christmas story a little better and sing the Christmas songs that are close to our hearts.


Christmas Eve Grab Bag Pageant with Holy Eucharist

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us Saturday December 24 @ 4pm for our Annual Grab-bag Pageant and Eucharist. This service is geared especially for our families with ALL of our community members encouraged to come and be a part of this great celebration! Our Grab-bag Pageant is an opportunity to take part in the telling of the nativity story. Every single person who attends is invited to take part in the story either by coming in costume (angel, shepherd, or animal) or by selecting


Christmas Eve Service

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on Christmas Eve. Father Carlos Caguiat will be presiding and preaching. Please contact the church office at 425-746-0322 or for the zoom link.


Christmas Eve Service

St. Augustine's In-the-Woods, Freeland 5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road, Freeland, WA, United States

Christmas Eve service at 4:00 pm.


Christmas Eve Service

Good Shepherd, Vancouver 805 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver, WA, United States

Celebrate the birth of our Lord in this family-friendly service.


Christmas Eve Service

St. Luke's Memorial, Tacoma 3615 N Gove St., Tacoma, WA, United States

Holy Eucharist Rite II with youth choir.


Christmas Eve Family Service

St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah 325 SE Darst St, Issaquah

Join St. Michael and All Angels, Issaquah in-person for the Christmas Eve Children's Pageant with Holy Communion. Familiar carols, special children's sermon, and sacred essentials make this a great choice for families with children. Pageant participants and parents should arrive at 3:15 for costuming and a brief rehearsal. All are welcome! Offered in person or online at In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve Service

St. Columba's, Kent 26715 Military Rd S, Kent, WA, United States

This early Christmas Eve service is appropriate for those who wish to worship earlier; especially families with small children. In-Person Only

Spanish Language Christmas Eve Service

Resurrección, Mount Vernon 415 S. 18th St., Mount Vernon, WA, United States

Spanish language festal Eucharist with incense.


Christmas Eve Eucharist and Pop-Up Pageant

St. Luke's, Seattle 5710 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA, United States

Children and people of all ages are welcome to participate in the Christmas Pageant. No rehearsal or preparation required.

Christmas Eve Family Service

Trinity, Everett 2301 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA, United States

A family-friendly service, with nursery care available for our youngest in-person attendees. This service includes all your favorite carols. The Gospel narrative of the birth of Christ will be shared with us in a very special musical presentation and performance by Trinity’s children, youth and young adults. Service YouTube Link: In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve

St. Hugh of Lincoln, Allyn 280 E Wheelwright St, Allyn, WA, United States

Join St. Hugh for Christmas service on Christmas Eve at 4:00 PM. We will have Christmas Carols before the service and refreshments following. In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Pageant Service (no music)

Redeemer, Kenmore 6210 NE 181st St., Kenmore, WA, United States

This service at Church of the Redeemer includes a drop-in pageant for children and Holy Eucharist. It begins at 4:30 pm. This will be a simple Eucharist service, without any music. The 9:00 pm service on Christmas Eve and the 10:30 am service on Christmas Day have music. Admission is free. No tickets are required. Any child attending this service is welcome to participate in the pageant. All are welcome at Redeemer: • All races • All religions • All

Midnight Mass

All Saints, Tacoma 205 96th St E, Tacoma, WA, United States

Traditional Midnight Mass, starting at 5:00 pm.

Family Christmas Eve Service

St. Paul's, Seattle 15 Roy St., Seattle

All are invited to share in the delight of the Nativity as the children and families of St. Paul’s present the Godly Play Christmas Story. This service will be live streamed:

Christmas Eve Pageant and Holy Eucharist

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

Come to this delightful family-oriented service at 5:00pm on Christmas Eve! All children (whether or not they attend SJB) are welcome to participate in a re-creation of the Nativity story! In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve Service

Christ Church, Blaine 382 Boblett St., Blaine, WA, United States

The Holy Eucharist with Carols

Christmas Eve Family Service with Godly Play

Faith, Poulsbo 20295 Little Valley Road, Poulsbo, WA, United States

Carols sung outdoors at 4:30. Service led by children, followed by Eucharist. In-Person Only; Hoping to livestream on Facebook page

Christmas Eve

St. Anne's, Washougal 2350 Main St., Washougal, WA, United States

Please join St. Anne's, Washougal for a traditional candle light service on Christmas Eve. Families are welcome! In-Person Only

Christmas Eve Service

St. Clare of Assisi, Snoqualmie 8650 Railroad Ave, Snoqualmie, United States

Carols, Holy Eucharist, and a telling of the Christmas story


Christmas Eve Pageant

St. John's, Gig Harbor 7701 Skansie Ave., Gig Harbor, United States

St. John's Christmas Eve Pageant is woven into the Family Service in place of the Readings and Sermon. The children act out the entire Christmas story beginning with some of the Incarnation Prophecies and moving through the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of Jesus and the Adoration of the Shepherds. It includes Christmas hymns and is followed by Holy Eucharist.

Lessons and Carols

Holy Spirit, Battle Ground 2400 NW 9th Ave, Battle Ground, WA, United States

Lessons and Carols with a lighting service mixed in.


Christmas Eve

St. Mark's, Montesano 124 N Sylvia St., Montesano, WA, United States

Carols and traditional Christmas Eve service (bells, no incense). In-Person Only

Christmas Eve Carol Sing & Eucharist

St. Alban's, Edmonds 21405 82nd Place W., Edmonds, WA, United States

Join us for carols, communion, candlelight and a Christmas story. A festive fellowship hour with cookies, hot chocolate and warm cider will follow. Carol sing begins at 5pm and service at 5:30pm. Join us in person or online on Facebook or YouTube. In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

St. Nicholas, Tahuya 15000 NE North Shore Rd, Tahuya, WA, United States

With a humble Nativity at the Altar, Fr Richard (Dick) Scott delivers the Christmas Homily and celebrates the Eucharist. Beautiful Carols are sung through out proclaiming the birth of our Lord, the Christ Child. In-Person Only

Festive Christmas Eve Eucharist

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

This service includes special music performed by a string trio. In-person or livestreamed on the St. Barnabas FaceBook page. Additional parking is located in a lower lot, down the driveway from the church. In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve Service

St. Augustine's In-the-Woods, Freeland 5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road, Freeland, WA, United States

Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm featuring the Sophia Singers.


Christmas Eve Service

Christ Church, Puyallup 210 Fifth St SW, Puyallup, WA, United States

Christ Church will offer a candlelight Holy Eucharist with carols and sermon at 7:00 pm.


Christmas Eve Service

Good Shepherd, Vancouver 805 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver, WA, United States

Celebrate the birth of Jesus with traditional hymns and choir!


Christmas Eve

St. Elizabeth, Burien 1005 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Holy Eucharist w/incense. Masks and social distancing are appreciated, not required. (Vaxxed/boosted Presider tests twice weekly and washes with hypochlorous acid to disinfectant hands.) In-Person Only

Christmas Eve w/ Godly Play Story

St. Columba's, Kent 26715 Military Rd S, Kent, WA, United States

Come to our "Joyful Chaos of Christmas" service at 7pm for singing, candlelight, and the children showing us the way as they build the creche. Cookie potluck afterward! In-Person Only

Christmas Eve Service


Children's Pageant, Communion, and Candlelight Service with Full Choir , All are welcome!

Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols with Eucharist

All Saints, Bellevue 1307 120th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us online and in person to celebrate the miracle of Christmas in song and lessons and Eucharist together. For information on how to join us on Zoom, email and request to be added to our Zoom service notification list.


Christmas Eve Solemn Holy Eucharist with Carols

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Musical prelude and carol sing at 7:10 p.m.; liturgy begins at 7:30. Music by the intergenerational Evensong Choir. Sermon, Holy Eucharist, candlelit "Silent Night." Incense will be used. Join in person in the cathedral nave, or via livestream at Saint Mark's Facebook or YouTube, or at

Christmas Eve Service

St. Paul's, Mount Vernon 415 S 18th St., Mount Vernon, WA, United States

English language high festal Eucharist.


Christmas Eve Service

St. John's, Gig Harbor 7701 Skansie Ave., Gig Harbor, United States

Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with choir and carol singing.

Christmas Eve Service

St. Benedict's, Lacey 910 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA, United States

Christmas Eve worship service.


Christmas Eve Service

St. Luke's Memorial, Tacoma 3615 N Gove St., Tacoma, WA, United States

Join us for an 8:30 pm choral sing with adult choir. Holy Eucharist Rite II follows at 9:00 pm.


Christmas Eve Service with Choir

St. Columba's, Kent 26715 Military Rd S, Kent, WA, United States

Traditional Christmas Eve service with choral music In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Trinity, Everett 2301 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA, United States

This service is preceded by a special music concert of carols, organ and other instrumental music at 8:30 pm. The service itself will begin at approximately 9:00 pm. A live choir with musicians is part of this service, ushering in Christmas with a reflective traditional worship service that invites us to the grace of the Nativity of Christ. SPECIAL GUEST: David di Fiori We are very glad to welcome world-renown organist, Maestro David di Fiore, who recently retired from St.

Carol Sing and Christmas Eve Service

Redeemer, Kenmore 6210 NE 181st St., Kenmore, WA, United States

This Holy Eucharist for Christmas at Church of the Redeemer is proceeded by a carol sing. The carols begin at 8:45 pm, with the worship service at 9:00 pm. Admission is free. No tickets are required. All are welcome at Redeemer: • All races • All religions • All countries of origin • All sexual orientations • All genders For more information: In-Person Only

Christmas Eve Service

St. Aidan's, Camano Island 1318 WA-532, Camano, WA, United States

Traditional midnight mass, but at 9:00 p.m. Your favorite Christmas hymns and, of course, Silent Night by candlelight.

Carols and Traditional Festive Christmas Eve Service

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

At 9:00pm the Trinity Choir leads a concert/singalong of carols. At 9:30pm our Traditional Festive Christmas Eve service features candles, carols, Trinity Choir, and Holy Eucharist.


Christmas Eve

St. Antony of Egypt, Silverdale 11885 Old Frontier Road NW, Silverdale, WA, United States

This service is open to all. It starts with singing carols at 9:00 pm and the service starts at 9:30 pm. In-Person and Virtual

Candlelight Christmas Eve Eucharist

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

This beautiful, traditional Christmas Eve service includes special music and incense. Additional parking is located in a lower lot, down the driveway from the church. In-Person Only

Christmas Eve with Carols by Candlelight

St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah 325 SE Darst St, Issaquah

A festal Christmas Eve service with music for choir, classical guitar, and organ, soloists and piano, familiar carols, and communion. Gathering music begins at 9:45 PM and the service begins at 10 PM. Join us in-person or participate and sing along from home! Offered in person or online at  

Christmas Eve Mass

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us Saturday December 24 @ 10pm for our Traditional Christmas Mass. This traditional Christmas service transports you back to the earliest expressions of worshipping the arrival of the Christ child in the Anglican tradition. Complete with Christmas hymns, tasteful decorations, candles, and more, this service is our best offering to you and to God as we welcome the arrival of the Christ child. This service includes a celebration of the Eucharist and concludes with the candlelight singing of Silent


Christmas Eve Eucharist

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

This 10:00pm candlelight service on Christmas Eve includes Holy Eucharist and the singing of Christmas carols. All are welcome!

Christmas Eve

St. Columba's, Kent 26715 Military Rd S, Kent, WA, United States

Join us for our "Holy Quiet of Christmas" service at 10pm, featuring contemplative Christmas hymns, candlelight, and incense. This will be livestreamed on Facebook. In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Eve Midnight Mass

St. Paul's, Seattle 15 Roy St., Seattle

Herald the birth of Jesus with carols, motets, scripture, and more. Carols begin at 10:30pm with the liturgy to follow at 11pm. Live stream will be available here:

Christmas Eve Solemn Holy Eucharist with Carols (“Midnight Mass”)

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Musical prelude and carol sing at 10:30; liturgy begins at 11 p.m. Music by the Cathedral Choir. Sermon, Holy Eucharist, candlelit "Silent Night." Incense will be used. Join in person in the cathedral nave, or via livestream at Saint Mark's Facebook or YouTube, or at

Candlelit Holy Eucharist with Musical Prelude

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Come celebrate the birth of Christ! One of four Christmas Eve services at Epiphany. Incense will be used in this service.


Christmas Day Service

St. Benedict's, Lacey 910 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA, United States

Christmas Day worship service.


Christmas Morning Service


Solemn Service - Carols and Communion

Christmas Day Service

St. Paul's, Mount Vernon 415 S 18th St., Mount Vernon, WA, United States

Small, intimate Christmas Day Eucharist, offered especially for those who do not drive after dark.


Christmas Day Holy Eucharist

All Saints, Bellevue 1307 120th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA, United States

Celebration of Holy Eucharist with readings and carols for Christmas Day. For information on attending our Zoom session, please email and request that you be added to our Zoom service notification mailings.


Christmas Morning Service

Christ Church, Puyallup 210 Fifth St SW, Puyallup, WA, United States

Christ Church, Puyallup will offer a service of Holy Eucharist on Sunday, December 25 at 10:00 am. The service will include Christmas carols.


Christmas Day Eucharist

St. Aidan's, Camano Island 1318 WA-532, Camano, WA, United States

St. Aidan's, Camano Island will offer Holy Eucharist, Rite II on Christmas morning.


Christmas Day Eucharist

St. Luke's, Seattle 5710 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA, United States

Come prepared to share your favorite Christmas gift as part of the sermon. We celebrate the Feast of the Nativity with the Holy Eucharist.

Christmas Day Festal Holy Eucharist with Carols

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A joyous celebration of the Nativity. Music by the Saint Mark's Singers. Please note: there is one morning service ONLY on Sunday, December 25, at 10 a.m. Join in person in the cathedral nave, or via livestream at Saint Mark's Facebook or YouTube, or at

Christmas Day Service

Christ Church, Blaine 382 Boblett St., Blaine, WA, United States

The Holy Eucharist

Christmas Day Service

St. Luke's, Sequim 525 N 5th Ave, Sequim, WA, United States

A traditional Christmas Day service followed by coffee hour. In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Day Service

St. Columba's, Kent 26715 Military Rd S, Kent, WA, United States

Christmas Day Said Service. A quiet Christmas morning service.

Christmas Day Service

St. John's, Gig Harbor 7701 Skansie Ave., Gig Harbor, United States

Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with a "blessing of the gifts" for each gift that members bring forward.


Celtic Christmas Day Service

Trinity, Everett 2301 Hoyt Ave., Everett, WA, United States

This Episcopal-Anglican Celtic Tradition Service, includes Celtic Christian prayers and music reflective of a creation-centered theology. This service will begin at 10:00 AM. Trinity's Celtic Christmas Service is influenced in part by traditions from the Iona Community (located on the Isle of Iona, off the west coast of Scotland). This service includes music of organ and harp. Service YouTube Link: In-Person and Virtual

Christmas Morning

St. Elizabeth, Burien 1005 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Holy Eucharist w/incense. Masks and social distancing are appreciated, not required. (Vaxxed/boosted Presider tests twice weekly and washes with hypochlorous acid to disinfectant hands.) In-Person Only

Christmas Day Worship

St. Stephen's, Longview

Join us Sunday December 25 @ 10:30am for a special offering of Christmas Day Worship. We celebrate the eucharist every Sunday and have the special occasion of celebrating it together on Christmas Day this year. You are encouraged and welcome to come in whatever (appropriate) clothes you feel most comfortable, including your new Christmas pajamas!


Christmas Day Service

St. Augustine's In-the-Woods, Freeland 5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road, Freeland, WA, United States

Christmas Day service at 10:30 am.


Christmas Day Service

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Christmas morning Holy Eucharist with Christmas hymns.


Christmas Day Eucharist

St. Alban's, Edmonds 21405 82nd Place W., Edmonds, WA, United States

Joy to the world, The Lord is come! Join us at 10:30am for a Christmas Day Eucharist to celebrate the birth of the Savior. After the service, we’ll enjoy a special coffee hour. Services will be in person or online on Facebook or YouTube. In-Person and Virtual

Carol Sing and Christmas Day Service

Redeemer, Kenmore 6210 NE 181st St., Kenmore, WA, United States

This Holy Eucharist for Christmas at Church of the Redeemer is proceeded by a carol sing. The carols begin at 10:15 am, with the service at 10:30 am. Admission is free. No tickets are required. The carols preceding this service are different than the carols on Christmas Eve. All are welcome at Redeemer: • All races • All religions • All countries of origin • All sexual orientations • All genders For more information: In-Person Only

Christmas Day Holy Communion & Carols

St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah 325 SE Darst St, Issaquah

Greet the happy Christmas morn by singing favorite carols and celebrating Holy Communion. All are welcome. Please note: This is the only service offered at St Michael's on Christmas Day. Offered in person or online at

Christmas Day Mass

St. Paul's, Seattle 15 Roy St., Seattle

Celebrate Christmas Day with St. Paul’s. Our nursery and Godly Play rooms will be closed. Live stream will be available here:

Christmas Day Service

St. Benedict's, Lacey 910 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA, United States

Christmas Day worship service.


Christmas Day Service

St. Germain's, Hoodsport 600 N Lake Cushman Rd, Hoodsport, WA, United States

Christmas Day Service, Sunday December 25th at 10:30 a.m.
Holy Communion with lessons and carols.

Bilingual (English-Spanish) Christmas Day Pajama Mass

St. Matthew~San Mateo, Auburn 123 L St NE, Auburn, WA, United States

Wear your PJs, slippers, or whatever cozy clothes you'd wear at home on Christmas morning. Reverend Carla Robinson will be preaching. See you there!


Christmas Day Worship

St. Anne's, Washougal 2350 Main St., Washougal, WA, United States

Please join St. Anne's, Washougal for a traditional Christmas morning worship service. In-Person Only

Compline for Christmas Day

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A special service of Compline on the evening of December 25th. Join in person in the cathedral nave, or via livestream at Saint Mark's Facebook or YouTube, or at

Blue Christmas Service

St. Alban's, Edmonds 21405 82nd Place W., Edmonds, WA, United States

Our Blue Christmas Service acknowledges the losses, the sorrows, the griefs, we sometimes feel during this season and honors them, and reminds us that the God of all creation entered into "this world of woe" to be with us, that even in these sorrows, our Incarnate Lord is in the midst of us. Where there is great love, there is also great grief. This service of truth will be in person or online on Facebook or YouTube. In-Person and Virtual

New Year’s Labyrinth Walk and Midnight Eucharist

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Since 1999, Seattle's most peaceful New Year's tradition. As the old year passes and a new one begins, take time in the quiet, candle-lit space of Saint Mark's Cathedral on Capitol Hill to pause, look inward, and experience the labyrinth, accompanied by contemplative music by guest musicians. All are welcome. Stay for a few minutes, an hour, or all evening. A free-will donation will be collected. At midnight, A service of Holy Eucharist will be offered at the center of

The Feast of the Holy Name

Christ Church, Blaine 382 Boblett St., Blaine, WA, United States

A Service of Lessons and Carols with The Holy Eucharist

Feast of the Holy Name

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

Feast of the Holy Name Holy Eucharist service with Christmas hymns.


Service of Christmas Lessons & Carols with Communion

St. Michael & All Angels, Issaquah 325 SE Darst St, Issaquah

We gather to sing favorite carols, hear once more the message of salvation, and share communion together. Please note: This is the only service offered at St Michael's on New Year's Day. Offered in person and online at

Choral Evensong on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A service of choral Evensong will be offered on the afternoon of January 1, with the intergenerational Evensong Choir. Incense will be used. Join in person in the cathedral nave, or via livestream at Saint Mark's Facebook or YouTube, or at

Epiphany Celebration, Eucharist, and Bonfire

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A community gathering of festivity and reflection to bid farewell to Christmastide, starting with a chili supper followed by a brief liturgy and outdoor bonfire of the Christmas greens.

Feast of the Epiphany Eucharist and Blessing of Chalk

St. John the Baptist, Seattle 3050 California Ave SW, Seattle

Join the wise ones on a journey through story, prayers, and chalking the door... then take home a piece of blessed chalk to bless your own door! In-Person Only

Epiphany Service

St. Paul's, Seattle 15 Roy St., Seattle

This service will be live streamed here:

The Pageant of the Nativity

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Holy Scripture, multiple choirs, brass ensemble, and costumes of cathedral finery all come together in the soaring space of the Saint Mark's Cathedral nave—a Christmas pageant like no other.

Feast of the Epiphany

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Their eponymous feast, the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ is an ancient feast marking the manifestation of Christ to the peoples of the earth.

Feast of the Epiphany

St. Alban's, Edmonds 21405 82nd Place W., Edmonds, WA, United States

Join us as we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany at both the 8am service and the 10:30am service on Sunday, January 8. After worship, we’ll have a special coffee hour to celebrate the arrival of the three kings. Services will be in person or online on Facebook or YouTube (at 10:30). In-Person and Virtual


St. Elizabeth, Burien 1005 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Spoken Mass (w/incense)

Preparing the Way: An Intergenerational Advent Event

St. David's, Friday Harbor 780 Park Street, Friday harbor

Saint David’s and the Lutheran Church of the San Juans will gather for an intergenerational Advent event. All are welcome that evening to make Advent wreaths, create luminarias, and share a simple supper with one another. Simple Advent devotionals will also be available, and we’ll talk briefly about other practices to consider as we await the birth of Jesus.

Advent Quiet Morning: Sound Bath

St. Paul's, Seattle 15 Roy St., Seattle

Come enjoy a Sound Bath for Advent Quiet Morning on Saturday, December 2 at 9:30-11:30 am in St. Paul's, Seattle Sanctuary.

First Sunday of Advent

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

First Sunday of Advent | Rite I Service.

First Sunday of Advent

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

First Sunday of Advent | Rite II Service.

First Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The First Sunday of Advent. Our Advent wreath and part of our nativity display will appear on our altar. Father Carlos will be presiding and preaching. In-person only.

Holy Eucharist, featuring J.S. Bach’s Advent Cantata BWV 140

St. Thomas, Medina 8398 NE 12th St, Medina, WA, United States

Our liturgy for the first Sunday of Advent will feature J.S. Back's stirring Advent Cantata, "Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme," BWV 140. Advent wreath making will be available after the 8 and 10 services on December 3.


St. Elizabeth, Burien 1005 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Holy Eucharist (w/incense)

Advent Worship

St. Benedict's, Lacey 910 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA, United States

First Sunday of Advent. Prepare for the birth of the Christ child into your life and begin your journey of faith with us,

Carols and Cookies

Good Samaritan, Sammamish 1757 244th Ave NE, Sammamish, WA, United States

Join Good Samaritan, Sammamish to sing Christmas carols and share cookies and cocoa afterwards. St. Nick will be there, too!

Advent Lessons & Carols

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Advent Lessons and Carols | Service with music, reading and prayers.

Advent Taizé

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

Service of music, prayer, & mediation on themes of Advent.

Advent Quiet Day

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Silence | Readings | Liturgy Come away from the hustle and bustle of the "Holiday Season" and give yourself the gift of contemplating the many gifts of Advent.

Concert – A Celtic Christmas with the Beggar Boys

St. Augustine's In-the-Woods, Freeland 5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road, Freeland, WA, United States

Celebrate the season with traditional songs and stories from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The ethereal voice of Abigail Lennox joins fiddles, whistle, and guitar along with live Irish step dancing – a perfect holiday treat for the entire family!

Tidings of Joy: A Festive Carol Celebration with Choir and Organ

St. Dunstan's, Shoreline 722 N 145th St, Shoreline, WA

Seattle Girls Choir's Cantamus ensemble and organist Carol Banach will share music of the season, knitting together an eclectic assortment of choral anthems, organ solos by Ms. Banach and favorite Christmas carols sung by all.

$5 – $20

Second Sunday of Advent

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Second Sunday of Advent | Rite I Service

2nd Sunday of Advent

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

Sunday Services at 8:30 am & 10:30 am

St. Nicholas Breakfast

St. Thomas, Medina 8398 NE 12th St, Medina, WA, United States

Join us for a delicious breakfast as St. Nicholas of Myra makes his annual visitation to St. Thomas Church. Rumor has it he comes bearing gifts! All are warmly welcome, especially children.

Second Sunday of Advent

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Second Sunday of Advent | Rite II Service.


St. Elizabeth, Burien 1005 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Holy Eucharist (w/incense)

The Second Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The Second Sunday of Advent. Father Carlos Caguiat will be presiding and preaching. In-person only.

2nd Sunday of Advent

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

Sunday Services at 8:30 am & 10:30 am

2nd Sunday of Advent

St. Benedict's, Lacey 910 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA, United States

Second Sunday of Advent. Prepare for the birth of the Christ child into your life and begin your journey of faith with us,

Blue Christmas

Good Shepherd, Vancouver 805 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver, WA, United States

Join us for music and prayers to remember those we have lost with a special meditation to offer comfort to those who attend.

Concert – A Celtic Christmas with the Beggar Boys

St. Augustine's In-the-Woods, Freeland 5217 S. Honeymoon Bay Road, Freeland, WA, United States

Celebrate the season with traditional songs and stories from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The ethereal voice of Abigail Lennox joins fiddles, whistle, and guitar along with live Irish step dancing – a perfect holiday treat for the entire family!

Advent Lessons and Carols

St. Thomas, Medina 8398 NE 12th St, Medina, WA, United States

Join us for this stirring Advent liturgy of scripture readings, hymns, carols and anthems. Sung by the choir and chorister of St. Thomas Church. All are warmly welcome.

Lessons & Carols

Good Samaritan, Sammamish 1757 244th Ave NE, Sammamish, WA, United States

Join Good Samaritan, Sammamish for a contemplative service of Advent readings and songs.

Lessons and Carols

Good Samaritan, Sammamish 1757 244th Ave NE, Sammamish, WA, United States

Join us for a contemplative evening of Advent Lessons and Carols.

Solemn High Mass for the Feast of Thomas Merton

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

St. Barnabas will celebrate a Solemn High Mass in commemoration of Thomas Merton (1945-1968), one of the most inspiring and influential Christians of the 20th century.

Holden Evening Prayer (Vespers ’86)

St. David's, Friday Harbor 780 Park Street, Friday harbor

Saint David’s and the Lutheran Church of the San Juans will offer a special evening prayer to celebrate the Feast of Saint Lucia. We will gather at 5:30 PM in the nave for a candlelight offering of Holden Evening Prayer. This beloved sung prayer service was written by Marty Haugen in the winter of 1986 while Haugen was visiting Holden Village in the North Cascades. To this day, the Holden community gathers each evening for its principal worship service, and

Lessons and Carols Service

St. Luke's Memorial, Tacoma 3615 N Gove St., Tacoma, WA, United States

Please join us for an evening of prayer and music with a reception to follow in St. Luke's Parish Hall.

Blue Christmas

St. Christopher's Community Church, Olympia 7902 Steamboat Island Road Northwest, Olympia, WA, United States

Christmas isn't full of cheer and merry-making for everyone. Whether you are in grief, sadness, depression, or feeling dismayed by our hurting world, you will find that Christ is here for you. Come to this service of worship. Together we will seek out hope and light in God through Christ Jesus.

Advent Quiet Day

St. Christopher's Community Church, Olympia 7902 Steamboat Island Road Northwest, Olympia, WA, United States

"Making the House Ready for the Lord", An Advent Quiet Day. Gather for a slow paced time of reflection, prayer, worship, and delight as we reflect on God's preparation of the world and of us to receive Christ in this glorious, but oft-too-rushed season. Think of this as a local day of retreat. We will be guided by Mother Katheryn Little of the Little Sisters of St. Clare.

Live Nativity

A playful, drive up, enactment of Christ's birth.

A Christmas Carol

St. Dunstan's, Shoreline 722 N 145th St, Shoreline, WA

St. Dunstan's hosts the touring company of Taproot Theater in their production of A Christmas Carol.

Community Christmas Caroling Party

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Join St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island for a Community Christmas Caroling Party with BI Fire Truck.

Family Fun Holiday Event

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

A fun evening of food, fun, friends, cookies & Christmas Carols!

Third Sunday of Advent

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Third Sunday of Advent | Rite I Service.

Event Series Advent 1-3

Advent 1-3

Holy Spirit, Vashon Island 15420 Vashon Hwy SW, Vashon, WA, United States

8 am, Rite I, 10 am, Rite II Live-Stream Available 10 am services and Christmas Eve.

3rd Sunday of Advent

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

Sunday Services are held at 8:30 am & 10:30 am.

Third Sunday of Advent

St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island 1187 Wyatt Way NW, Bainbridge Island

Third Sunday of Advent | Rite II Service.

The Third Sunday of Advent

Resurrection, Bellevue 15220 Main St, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join us at our service on The Third Sunday of Advent. Father Alwyn Hall will be presiding and preaching. In-person only.

Lessons and Carols

Good Shepherd, Vancouver 805 SE Ellsworth Rd, Vancouver, WA, United States

Join us for a morning full of seasonal music to ring in the Christmas Season.


St. Elizabeth, Burien 1005 SW 152nd St, Burien, WA, United States

Holy Eucharist (w/incense)

3rd Sunday of Advent

St. George, Maple Valley 24219 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA, United States

Sunday Services at 8:30 am & 10:30 am

3rd Sunday of Advent

St. Benedict's, Lacey 910 Bowker St SE, Lacey, WA, United States

Third Sunday of Advent. Prepare for the birth of the Christ child into your life and begin your journey of faith with us,

Advent Lessons & Carols

St. Peter's, Seattle 1610 S. King St, Seattle

Join St. Peter's, Seattle for a candlelit service of Advent lessons and carols, with traditional Scripture lessons, beloved hymns, and music on the piano, organ, harp, and strings.

Lessons and Carols

Grace, Lopez Island 70 Sunset Ln, Lopez Island, United States

An annual event to gather and sing some of our favorite Holiday songs. It will be a mix of hymns and carols, accompanied by the organ and choir. Potluck following the service. Spanish language programs can be made available upon request.

A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

St. Paul's, Bellingham 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA, United States

A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols Join us on December 17th at 5pm for a Christmas Concert featuring the St. Paul's Choir, Handbell Choir and Instrumentalists. Directed by Music Director, Dr. Dongho Lee. This special evening of celebration is open to the public! *Donations welcome to benefit our Organ Fund!

Yule: Light on the Darkest Night

St. Luke's, Renton 99 Wells Ave S, Renton, WA, United States

Join St. Luke's, Renton for a liturgy of music, poetry, and meditation at the Winter Solstice.

Christmas Lessons & Carols

Epiphany, Seattle 1805 38th Ave, Seattle

Following the pattern of the traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols, made famous by King’s College, Cambridge, the Epiphany Choir will offer a celebration of favorite Christmas carols and anthems. Early seating is advised. A festive reception will follow the service in the Great Hall.

Blue Christmas

St. Paul's, Port Townsend 1020 Jefferson St, Port Townsend, WA, United States

This beautiful non-denominational healing service recognizes that the holidays are not a season of joy for everyone. On this day before the longest night of the year, we will offer up the pain, loneliness, fears, or sorrow that we carry to the Christ Child. You are not alone. All are welcome. Celebrant: Rev. Gail Wheatley

Blue Christmas Service

St. David's, Friday Harbor 780 Park Street, Friday harbor

Blue Christmas (also called the Longest Night) in the Western Christian tradition, is a day in the Advent season marking the longest night of the year. On this day, some churches in Western Christian denominations hold a church service that honors people that have lost loved ones and are experiencing grief. Saint David's will offer this special service with compassion and sensitivity - and lots of candles.

Blue Christmas Service with Chants from Taizé

St. Thomas, Medina 8398 NE 12th St, Medina, WA, United States

Christmas is a bittersweet time, especially for those who have lost loved ones. Do you need a safe space to grieve during the holidays? Join us for this beautiful liturgy for those hurting, and those who seek God's healing presence.

A Christmas Selah Service

St. Aidan's, Camano Island 1318 WA-532, Camano, WA, United States

A contemporary contemplative service in the spirit of Advent and Christmas led by Jeff Johnson with musical guests Lisa (Celtic harp) and Emy (violin) Carter.

Blue Christmas Service

St. Alban's, Edmonds 21405 82nd Place W., Edmonds, WA, United States

Our Blue Christmas Service acknowledges the losses, the sorrows, the griefs, we sometimes feel during this season and honors them, and reminds us that the God of all creation entered into "this world of woe" to be with us, that even in these sorrows, our Incarnate Lord is in the midst of us. Where there is great love, there is also great grief. This service of truth will be in person or online. Check website for link.

Blue Christmas

Trinity, Seattle 609 8th Ave, Seattle, WA, United States

If you are finding the jollity of Christmas difficult, join us on this longest night of the year for a quiet space to breathe deeply. In silence, Scripture, music, and Holy Communion, we recall that God's presence is for those who mourn and those who struggle--and that God's Word comes to shine light into our darkness.

The Pageant of the Nativity

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

A Christmas Pageant like no other, bringing together the choirs and children of the community with costumes of cathedral finery, visual art displayed within cathedral architecture, and special instrumental accompaniment to reflect upon the Nativity of Christ as told in Holy Scripture.

Longest Night Service

St. Paul's, Bellingham 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA, United States

A contemplative service of healing and hope for those who are grieving this Christmas.

The Longest Night: A Service of Healing and Hope

St. Andrew's, Seattle 111 NE 80th St., Seattle, WA, United States

The Winter Solstice is the time when the night is the longest and the return of the light longed for is the most. This backdrop may lead to complicated feelings for those who are grieving and struggling in a society that is alive with bright lights and festive atmosphere. As Christians, it is appropriate for us to make space for the pain, loneliness, and sadness that one may feel and offer it to God for healing and transformation. Join us.

Blue Christmas

St. Stephen's, Oak Harbor 555 Regatta Dr., Oak Harbor, WA, United States

Service of meditation and reflection on readings of hope for those who have experienced loss in their lives.

Blue Christmas

St. Luke's, Sequim 525 N 5th Ave, Sequim, WA, United States

Traditional Blue Christmas Liturgy