Author of Sober Spirituality, spiritual director and life coach, the Rev. Erin Jean Warde will guide this day retreat exploring spiritual healing in mind, body, and soul. She offers: “Together we will learn how community, creativity, rest, and joy can care for us when we are struggling, whether that’s with mental health challenges, the inevitabilities of being alive, or with habits that don’t serve us.” The day will explore barriers to feeling joy and fulfillment and how to make small, accessible life changes to care for ourselves, even in overwhelming times.
Available in both Bloedel Hall and on Zoom. Fee for the Saturday Workshop: $15 (for both online and in-person participants). Partial scholarships available. Register using this link (LINK IS:
Rev. Warde will also preach at Saint Mark’s on Sunday, May 5, at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Eucharists.