A group of concerned individuals in the Diocese of Olympia has come together to form a diocesan Mental Illness/Mental Health Task Force. Their goal is to create awareness about mental health challenges and identify resources to support those who are struggling, as well as those who are caregivers, family members, clergy, and congregation members. A first step is to identify, through a survey, what strengths and resources parishes and missions around the diocese have in place, as well as to discover challenges faced. The Task Force hopes to find our greatest strengths and gifts, and to connect them with our deepest needs.
A survey to gather this information has been created with the link sent to each parish and mission, with a request for completion of the survey by November 5. Ideally, this should be completed by the rector, vicar, or another leader in the congregation. If you are working in this area with your congregation, be in touch with your leadership to see if you might assist in completion of this survey.
The Task Force will also have an exhibit at the convention November 7-8 at the Hilton Seattle Airport and Conference Center. They would welcome a chance to talk with folks and to share information about local resources for support and education. They would also be pleased to hear your stories.
Members of the Mental Illness/Mental Health Task Force: Alice Marshall, Mary Anne Osborn, Marti Rickel, and Vicki Wesen.