April 6, 10:00 am | Online
Join other clergy and congregational leaders for the Congregation Leadership Conference – a combination of plenary sessions and breakout workshops on such topics as:
- Volunteer Leadership;
- Leadership Description and Roles (Wardens, Treasurers, Vestries/Bishop’s Committees, Clergy);
- Different Models of Being Congregations;
- Narrative-Based Budgeting: Connecting Money and Mission;
- Stewardship and Use of Property;
- Financial Stability and Financial Responsibilities;
- Basics for Treasurers: Accounting Software, Audits, Standards;
- Conflict and the Role of Leadership;
- Best Practices for Vestries/Bishop’s Committees; and,
- Diocesan Staff Roles and Who to Call
This day-long workshop is open to wardens, treasurers, and clergy in charge of congregations; other vestry/bishop’s committee members would be welcome as well. It will be facilitated by members of diocesan staff and leadership and will provide an opportunity to network and identify affinity groups to continue to meet online. Registration at the link below!
Congregation Leadership Conference