The Seattle Choral Company kicks off its 42nd season with a holiday concert devoted to Baroque choral masterworks from Italy. Italy, long regarded as the birthplace of Baroque music, led the way during the 17th century with a style of music that was known for its grandiose, dramatic, and energetic spirit.
Four Italian cities will be represented, beginning with Milan, where Chiara Margarita Cozzolani performed and published sacred works at the convent of Santa Radegonda. In Naples, Francesco Durante (1684-1755) premiered his “Magnificat in B Flat Major.” In Rome, a young George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) composed his brilliant cantata, “Nisi Dominus,” in 1707 before traveling to England. Finally, in Venice, Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) produced an astonishing range and quantity of music, including his choral masterpiece, “Gloria in D Major.”
The SCC will be joined by a talented quintet of Northwest regional artists: Jocelyn Claire Thomas and Jennifer Bromagen, sopranos; Sarah Mattox, mezzo-soprano; Zach Finkelstein, tenor; and Zachary Lenox, baritone. Members of the North Corner Chamber Orchestra will also take part in this festive holiday evening.
Pre-concert talk at 7:00 pm. Carol Sing-Along at 7:30 pm with the Flentrop Organ.