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Annual Meeting of Diocese of Olympia Vergers Guild & Call for Nominations

Join the vergers, sacristans, and ministers of ceremony (MCs) of the Diocese of Olympia for our annual guild chapter meeting on Saturday, November 11 at 10:30 am on Zoom (registration required here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqfuupqDwiGtzkIE_NnmBoxasta_w3c1vZ#/registration). In preparation for the annual meeting, and the election of new officers, nominations are open for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Communications officers for the guild chapter. Those interested in running for election or nominating someone else for election should submit a nomination form by no later than 11:59pm on Tuesday, October 31. Click here for a nomination form: https://forms.office.com/r/MLmTdWssuZ

Elections of new officers will take place during the November 11 meeting on Zoom. We will also discuss our hopes and dreams for this still new chapter of the Vergers guild, how to better engage all vergers, sacristans, and MCs in the diocese, as well as how to better support churches and people who are new to these ministries.

Questions? Please contact Saint Mark’s Cathedral Sacristy & Head Verger Michael Seewer (mseewer@saintmarks.org).

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