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The Episcopal Church offers grants each year to support innovative approaches to reaching young adults. These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry in a congregation that is seeking a new relationship with or currently engaging young adults on and off college campuses.

Grants range from $100 – $30,000 and are for the 2021-2022 academic year. Deadline for submitting grants is November 20, 2020. There are four categories of grants:

  • Young Adult Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative young adult ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants $1-8,000.
  • Project Grants: to provide money for a one-time project that will enhance and impact the campus or young adult ministry. Grants $100-2,000.
  • Campus Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative campus ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants $1-8,000.
  • Leadership Grant: to establish a new, restore a dormant, or reenergize a current campus ministry. Grant will range from $8,000-30,000 and can be used over a two-year period.

Projects must be approved by Bishop Rickel before submission to The Episcopal Church. Plan to submit your application to the bishop on or before November 10 for his review. Please communicate your intent to apply with Valerie Reinke, the Canon Missioner for Faith Formation: 35 & Under at the Diocese of Olympia, at


Grants Available to Initiate or Expand Outreach to Young Adults

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