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Thank you, Bishop Melissa, for compassionately and faithfully shepherding our diocese during this time of transition. We are blessed with
The Bishop Transition Committee is pleased to share viewing details for the upcoming Meet & Greet sessions with the nominees
The Bishop Transition Committee is pleased to share details about the special Electing Convention for the Ninth Bishop of the Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia As a young person growing up in the American South, as a
The Joint Board for Bishop Transition in the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia is pleased to announce that, after receiving the
May 29, 12:00 pm | OnlineAre you wondering about declining church attendance, changes in pledging, or the challenges with finding
From Don Fornoff, the Bishop's Task Force on Homelessness:Your Taskforce correspondent spends a lot of time reading articles for up-to-date
To accompany and better assist the development of our congregations, we are offering small grants of up to $8,000 that

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