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Congregational-Development-Workshop-1Congregational development is the development of congregations of all sizes, locations and conditions into more faithful, healthy and effective communities of faith that are:

  • Focused on and faithful to their unique reason or being/primary task as congregations which, with God’s help, gather people into a community of transformation and renewal and send them into the world.
  • Connected to and expressive of their unique ecclesial tradition, ethos and character
  • Self-renewing and responsive to the challenges and opportunities before them
  • Sustainable or working toward greater sustainability in terms of a fit between the elements of their organizational life: vision for ministry, leadership, culture, size, property, finances etc.

Congregational-Development-Workshop-2What does Congregational Development do?

The congregational development department manages the College of Congregational Development, and runs several training programs each year for both clergy and lay church leaders.