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These words were all answers in a facebook survey this past week – “What do you think of when you hear ‘VBS’?”  They’re good words, words that make sense to me as the leader of many a VBS.  One of them stands out especially, however, and that is ‘opportunity.’

I believe VBS (or day camp, or whatever creative name you want to call it!) is a wonderful opportunity for the local church.  It is an opportunity to gather many ages together, many people, both church regulars and those coming just for this program, around a common experience of story, friendship, scripture and fun.

But what’s the best VBS?  The answer to that will vary with your location, your resources, the gifts and resources of your ministry setting.  While there is no one right answer, help is at hand! The Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary conducts an annual review of available VBS curricula, and not only makes recommendations, but creates a resource that overviews all of them.  This resource is available online. Check them out, make a plan – perhaps a weekend, multi-generational event? Perhaps a cooperative venture with the other congregations in your area? – and look forward to a wonderful opportunity for ministry this summer!


Cindy Spencer
Faith Formation Hub:  Children and Family Ministries
Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

2014 VBS reviews from VTS available now!

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