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From the Rev. Edie Weller, Nomination Committee:

Here’s additional information about the positions we’ll be electing at convention this year, plus descriptions of the four diocesan groups for which we’re inviting candidates.

Open Positions for 2021 Diocesan Elections

The Nominations Committee is actively seeking a diverse group of qualified candidates for the following positions:

For Diocesan Council (terms vary by region, per the transition plan for Council developed after 2020 Diocesan Convention):

  • Lay representatives from Eastside (3-year term), Willapa (3 year) and Sno-Isle* (1 year) (Note: incumbent from Sno-Isle has recently decided not to stand for second term.)
  • Clergy representatives from Mt. Baker (1 year), Holy C (3 year) and Columbia (3 year)

For the Standing Committee (at-large representatives):

  • 1 Lay representative for 4-year term
  • 1 Clergy representative for 4-year term

For the Commission on Ministry: In fulfillment of Resolution 6 passed at the 2020 Diocesan Convention, the Commission will transition to a new structure comprised of both elected and appointed positions. This year, these 3 positions will be elected (with 3 other positions being appointed to the COM by the bishop).

  • 2 Lay representatives for 3-year terms
  • 1 Clergy representative for 3-year term

For our General Convention deputation: This year we’ll elect both lay and clergy nominees to fill vacancies in 3 alternate positions in our diocesan deputation to General Convention. This convention of the entire Episcopal Church will meet in mid-July 2022 in Baltimore, MD. Openings include:

  • 4th Lay alternate deputy (age 18 or above)
  • 3rd and 4th Clergy alternate deputies


All candidates for nominations must meet canonical requirements.

  • In the Lay order, candidates must be adult communicants in good standing associated with a parish or mission congregation of the diocese.
  • In the Clerical order, candidates for nomination must be canonically-resident in this diocese.
  • Individuals may recommend themselves to the Committee for consideration as long as they meet the canonical – and for Diocesan Council, the geographic – requirements.
  • The Committee seeks candidates who represent the full range of diversity in our diocese in terms of demographic aspects, experiences in leadership and with the Church, geographic location, and perspective.

The “Job Descriptions”

So, what are the responsibilities associate with each of these four groups?

Diocesan Council: Between annual Diocesan Conventions, this Council oversees the budget and program goals of the diocese, carrying out the priorities adopted by Convention. The Council develops a proposed budget to be ratified by the next Convention and monitors the current year’s budget. Council members interface with individuals and congregations, often accompanying the bishop on Sunday visitations, deepening connections across the diocese. They attend Diocesan Convention as voting members during their terms of office. Members also accept assignments, work on committees and task groups, and attend regional, committee, and commission meetings as necessary. The Council meets 6-8 times a year, usually Thursday afternoon, and attends up to two joint retreats with other governing bodies each year.

Standing Committee: The Standing Committee serves as an advisory council for the bishop on all matters, including decisions regarding real property throughout the diocese. Other responsibilities include interviews and consent regarding persons seeking ordination to the diaconate or priesthood. The Standing Committee has formal judicial responsibilities in cases of clergy misconduct. National and international responsibilities include giving or withholding consent to election of bishops across the Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee values prayerful deliberation, collaboration, and a strong commitment to working supportively with our bishop. The Standing Committee meets monthly, usually on Tuesday mid-day, and participates in two joint governance retreats each year.

Commission on Ministry: By the canons of The Episcopal Church, the Commission on Ministry assists the bishop in matters relating to the enlistment and selection of persons for ministry, in the guidance and pastoral care of all candidates for Holy Orders as well as lay professionals and other baptized persons, and in matters pertaining to lifelong learning.

General Convention Deputation: This group of elected deputies (8 Lay & 8 Clergy) represents our diocese, along with the bishop and others participating on committees and commissions of The Episcopal Church, at the triennial General Convention. The deputies meet several times prior to the GC meeting to receive orientation, get to know one another, review the anticipated agenda and resolutions, and coordinate travel plans. Deputies also take part in communicating details from General Convention with the rest of the diocese after their return.

Virtual Participation

All four of these diocesan groups currently meet virtually via Zoom. Participating this way will continue as an option so that geography won’t be a barrier to taking part in diocesan governance. Good news for those living at a distance from Diocesan House!!

Dates and Contacts for the Nominations Process

If you’d like to propose someone for nomination to any of these groups, we encourage you to email the Committee at by Friday, August 6. Our goal is to identify and confirm the slate for election by Tuesday, September 14 (45 days prior to the proposed date of convention). By canon, additional nominees may be recognized at convention.

Members of the Nominations Committee this year include Ms. Jan Akin (Willapa region), Mr. Wadell Brent (Evergreen), the Rev. Nic Mather (Columbia), Ms. Sylvia Sepulveda (Mt. Baker region & Circles of Color), and the Rev. Edie Weller (convenor, Holy C region & Circles of Color). Each of us is now actively reaching out to individuals and congregations to identify potential candidates for the positions identified above.
If you have questions about this process, please contact the Rev. Edie Weller at Please refer to convention materials that will be posted on the diocesan website over the next several months.

We really appreciate this chance to work together and look forward to your input. Thank you!


2021 Diocesan Elections – Additional Information

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