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A Cathedral’s Complicity in Redlining and Restrictive Covenants

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Learn more about Seattle’s unique civil rights history and racial segregation and consider how church communities have responsibility to honestly face the historical practices of redlining and restrictive covenants and respond in just ways in our time.

Urban Birding Day at the Cathedral

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join for a morning of exploring nature and learning about birds on the campus of Saint Mark’s.

Updates on Affordable Housing at Saint Mark’s

Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle 1245 10th AVE E., Seattle, WA, United States

Join Saint Mark's Vestry leadership and Affordable Housing Committee to learn more about the project plans to redevelop the St. Nicholas School site on the Cathedral Campus.