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From the Racial Justice Audit Task Force:

In October the Racial Justice Audit Task Force gave a presentation at the 2022 Diocesan Convention detailing the work that Bishop Rickel charged us to do. In that presentation we promised that we would follow up with each congregation to gather input for a report that the Task Force would present at our next Diocesan Convention on October 27-28, 2023.

We promised that we would ask all congregations in the diocese to read the Executive Summary of the Racial Justice Audit of Episcopal Leadership, which you can find at the link below.


Here are some suggestions as to how you help your congregation read the Summary and respond to the questions.

You could use the Executive Summary as the reading material for a book group and use the questions as the group’s final session(s):

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

You could use the Executive Summary and the questions as the foundation of a Lenten study.

You might share the Executive Summary with your congregation and then have table discussions during a coffee hour time using the questions as the basis for those discussions.

You might ask you social justice groups to take the lead in helping the congregation read and respond.

You might use an adult forum or Sunday morning formation time as a way to discuss Summary and the questions.

If you have a Sacred Ground circle you might consider using that group as a way to gather people to focus on the Summary and the questions.

If the Canon for Multicultural Ministries and Community Transformation is coming to visit your congregation, that might be an occasion for congregational members to discuss the Summary and the questions under her facilitation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Rev. Carla Robinson by email at or by phone at 206-325-4200.

Add your ideas in the comments below!

Updates from the Racial Justice Audit Task Force

2 thoughts on “Updates from the Racial Justice Audit Task Force

  • October 28, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    How will the new survey be sent out? I was sad that there were only 2 responses out of 90 possible on the last survey.

  • October 28, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    I am speaking of the new survey Rev Carla mentioned today at Convention.


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