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The 2017 Seattle Pride Parade is Sunday, June 25. Last year, in 2016, more than 60 people from the Diocese of Olympia and Integrity Puget Sound marched demonstrate our true colors – of the rainbow! Though many, we truly are one as we share one bread and one cup and march for justice and dignity. And by our actions we demonstrate that the Episcopal church really does welcome you – whoever you are!

The diocesan presence is sponsored by the Puget Sound and Whidbey Island Chapters of Integrity USA. Gather with other Episcopalians to walk with Integrity and celebrate our church as a truly welcoming and compassionate community of faith.

The 2.5-mile route begins as 4th Avenue and Union and finished at the Seattle Center.  The diocesan group will gather in late morning and begin to walk in early afternoon – more detailed information will be available as the date draws near.  The Cathedral and/or Diocese may provide banners and placards, but each parish is encouraged to walk with its own parish banner.  We also encourage clergy to march in clerical collars.

Sue Mings from Saint Margaret’s Bellevue will be diocesan coordinator again this year. Email Sue if you or a group from your parish will be participating. Please give her an idea let Sue know how many to expect from your parish and if any plan to bring family or friends.

Show up and show your colors to shine lights as joyful and proud Episcopalians who know the meaning of hospitality and the wide embrace of God’s love.

Live as children of light—for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true (Ephesians 4. 8-9).


Show Your Episcopal PRIDE!

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