From Don Fornoff, Bishop’s Task Force on Homelessness:

As chair of the Task Force, I am privileged to gather with a group of seven to ten of us monthly to confer with many of us more often. All this to line up against this social emergency in faith and strength. We are now organizing for more direct actions to support the parishes of the Diocese of Olympia, Western Washington. We will be at Convene on May 31, 2025, in Everett. And we look forward to gathering with you in local meetings to share how to get positive work done. To do the work Jesus would do. There will be more information as this develops.

We should recognize what is already being done. There are 50 churches with outreach programs. 37 feeding programs; 15 shelters/tiny homes; 15 with the distribution of clothing/ personal care items; 7 safe overnight parking; 5 have showers, 3 with laundry; 3 with cold weather shelters; 5 with gardens; 7 with safety pouches; 5 with rental and legal assistance; 5 with ID assistance; yes, there are 5 gardens, and one veterinary assistance. Nineteen churches are involved ecumenically with other denominations. Obviously, many churches are helping out in more than one way. Doing so meets the specific needs of that locale. In addition, there is moneyed support at three sites affiliated with Family Promise. There are three other local programs of like support. There is one prison outreach program. Recognition is important. There is more to be done.

As you, as a parish, review your own programs for effectiveness, may I suggest you extend your considerations toward the type of shelter for those in need. There are seven basics: Is there security of tenure? Is there availability of services, materials, and infrastructure? Is there affordability? Is shelter habitable? Is it accessible? What is the location? Is there cultural adequacy? Answers to these questions give insights about the needs of those you serve.

Currently, in Olympia, there are several bills before the House and the Senate. Go to to weigh in. Also, search the Washington State Legislature to find your district representatives so you can write to them. Please do so, as advocacy is a part of the mission of the Task Force. We need everyone to weigh in.

Rent stabilization is front and center. HB1217 has passed out of the House and appropriations committees and is being reviewed in rules. It is expected to go to a vote on the floor. SB5222 is the companion bill in the Senate. Other bills of note include HB1380. HB1195, HB1491, SB5469, SB5313, and HB1867. Two bills to watch include SB5740 and SB5731. Both have received CON notices from the Task Force.

Be well, do good works, love one another,
Don Fornoff, Member and Chair

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