From Don Fornoff, Bishop’s Task Force for the Unhoused:

The Task Force has changed its name. We are still focused ON homelessness. And we have always been FOR the unhoused. It is a small change in name but carries out meaning for the individual who needs our help to recover from a lack of shelter and issues attendant to being unhoused. Those in the Task Force have always been aware of WHO was affected by homelessness. Our churches in the Diocese do this by helping those made poor, Jesus’ people, find the things that have been lost- identity, a safe place to sleep, a space to count on for home, food, clothing, health, all that helps us thrive in this world. The Task Force wants to ensure this continues and expands where needed. Beyond the individuals we serve, the Task Force will continue to advocate for and take action for affordable housing, rental fairness, fair treatment of those living on the street, services for the poor and dispossessed, help with jobs and transportation, being aware of how many and where the unhoused are, and paying attention to the politics of your town, county, and state.

Speaking of the State, today is the 45th day of the 2025 legislative session, with 60 days to go. As last year, rent stabilization is very important, supported by a strong majority of voters. SB5222 was passed out of the Senate Housing Committee with a do-pass vote. Last year that did not happen. It moves to Senate Ways and Means. A vote is not expected in that committee because House version 2SHB1217 is the vehicle expected to keep moving through the legislature. A vote is expected close to March 12. Please get in touch with your representatives and senator soon. The impact of this measure on homelessness prevention cannot be emphasized enough.

Other key bills include HB1858, regarding recording fees for funding of homeless services, will go to a vote as this piece is being written on February 26; HB1380, regarding reasonable regulations about homeless locations of sitting, lying, sleeping, also will go to a vote on February 27; 2SHB1195 is now in House Rules reviewing a do-pass recommendation by House Appropriations. This bill would allow the siting of permanent supportive, transitional, and affordable housing and shelters within their boundaries; HB1927 was voted out of the House Housing Committee with a do-pass recommendation to House Appropriations. This bill would create a pilot program to report timely rent payments to consumer reporting programs, which can boost credit scores.

Leaving you, dear activists, here’s a bit of inspiration. “Today, stay awake. Be alert. Be on the lookout for moments of wonder, signs of grace, revelations of beauty, glimpses into the mystery of life, and of God. Or we well may miss the miracle that is right before our eyes.” Br. David Vryhof

Be well, do good works, love one another
Don Fornoff, Task Force Member and Chair

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