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We are all shocked and horrified by the deadly shooting in Las Vegas that claimed the lives of 59 people and wounded more than 500. Gun violence and this senseless loss of life is an issue that is close to Bishop Rickel’s heart. Bishop Rickel would normally have already issued a statement and reflection on the tragedy. Bishop Rickel is currently away on a week-long, clergy backpacking trip and is out of cell phone and internet range. A statement from him will be forthcoming upon his return.

In the meantime, we encourage you to watch Presiding Bishop Curry’s message and read the statement from the Primates of the Anglican Communion who have gathered at Canterbury Cathedral:

Bishop Rickel is also a member of Bishops United Against Gun Violence, a group of more than 70 Episcopal Church bishops working to curtail the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. You can read their statement as well as find resources to take action:

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the terrible tragedy in Las Vegas.

A Collect for Peace
Almighty God, kindle, we pray, in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquility your dominion may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Las Vegas

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