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Bishop’s United Against Gun Violence is a voluntary network of over 50 active and retired bishops of The Episcopal Church; Bishop Greg Rickel is a member of this network. Initially formed in the wake of the August 2012 shootings at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek Wisconsin and the December 2012 school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, Bishops United explores means of reducing the appalling levels of gun violence in our society and advocates policies and legislation that save lives. The “Briefing Paper” is the first in a series of occasional papers intended to assist bishops and other Christian leaders in their vocations of teaching, preaching, pastoral care, and advocacy. This paper, in particular, seeks to shed light on new findings indicating that the vast majority of Americans today, including gun owners, support universal background checks prior to all gun sales. This new information provides an urgent call for action that can save thousands of American lives each year.

Briefing Paper

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Bishop’s United Against Gun Violence issues briefing paper

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