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Outside_Church_Walls_header2b spotlightOutside Church Walls continues its work considering the intersection of faith and a rapidly-changing culture, and the response of God’s people in the community. In a recent blog, George introduces the Dare to be Christian Project, an idea developed at her congregation by youth leaders to engage youth in conversations about faith outside the congregation walls. George writes, “I always find it so interesting that kids are so much more at ease with being authentic than we adults are. This dare game has helped our youth consider ways of talking about their faith in Christ AND changing the conversation about what it means to be Christian.”

In Ashes on the Streets of Aberdeen, Sarah writes, “And, as I imposed ashes today, I was saying: ‘You are worthy. For the kingdom of God is given to you.’ We affirmed a common humanity in this broken town on the edge of empire, on the banks of the overflowing river, under the bridge, outside the clothing bank, in the graffiti filled alleys. For a moment, in a town that has been hit hard too many times, we glimpsed the promised land and we had church, outside the walls.”

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