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The Souls Journey SmallAs we begin our Lenten journey I would commend a new book, just out, “The Soul’s Journey: An Artist’s Approach to the Stations of the Cross” by Kathrin Burleson, with contributions by our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori and many others from across the church that will inspire you both in sight and words.

As you might expect the book is beautiful, just to hold and look at, but the writings do in fact live up to the subtitle, an artist’s approach, and I would say a very refreshing one as well. One example of this comes from the seventh station, “Simon of Cyrene assists Jesus”

Burleson writes, “this station reminds me that we all have crosses to bear, and more importantly, these crosses all relate to our walk with Christ. This takes my problems, my pains, and my disappointments and puts them in a new perspective. In shouldering the burden and taking the responsibility, I am walking the Way. I am not saying that we’re always called to take on other’s burdens, but rather that we should not live life simply as an observer. This deep involvement in life-our own and that of others- gives us meaning and moves us closer to God.”

The Stations of the Cross are quite moving to me. When I am in the Holy Land the Via Delarosa, with the sights, and sounds, and smells of the Old City, the very journey Jesus took through those streets, always calls me back to faith. This book provides a visual journey that is a close second, and a new way, to see and journey on THE Way.

I commend it to you this Lent as we journey toward Jerusalem.

A Book Review by Bishop Greg Rickel: The Soul’s Journey

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