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“In my experience, times of transition are emotional times, times when we can bounce around between feeling grief, confusion, excitement about a new thing about to happen, all within moments of each other. If you’re feeling any or all of these things, know that it’s normal, at least that’s what I tell myself.”

Bishop Skelton offers her greetings as she begins her time as Bishop Provisional for the Diocese of Olympia, as well as her approach to serving as Bishop Provisional during this time of transition.

A Greeting from Bishop Skelton

2 thoughts on “A Greeting from Bishop Skelton

  • January 19, 2023 at 11:25 am

    I was beyond pleased to see that Bishop Skelton is in her new role and hope that all of the adjectives in front of her name soon reflect that she is the permanent Bishop in the Diocese of Olympia. I was blessed to experience her many gifts as one of her students in the congregational development curriculum, and have been the better for it as my ministries have developed.

    Many blessings on her days,

    Rev. Ray Sheldon

  • January 30, 2023 at 11:44 pm

    Welcome +Bishop Skelton,

    Dianne Aid, TSSF
    Good Shepherd,
    Federal Way


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