Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia.

I have an idea. During the season of Advent, the season of waiting and looking forward to the coming of Jesus born in an animal stall, how about we do something for people, to use Luke’s language, who are looking for room at the inn? Let me say more.

The Refugee Resettlement Office of this Diocese, that resettles hundreds of refugees from all over the world each year, is in need of funds to underwrite short-term housing for refugees. during that tender and vulnerable time between arriving in the US and finding more permanent housing. Much of this short-term housing had been provided through the generosity of Airbnb and other short-term rental companies. That support this year has now ended, and so here we are.

To help us all learn more about some of the people actually helped by the Refugee Resettlement Office, you can expect a series of stories about individuals and families during Advent, stories that will remind all of us that while we wait in Advent for the coming of Jesus again in humility, we can do something now for the coming of others who are in great humility and need.

Eric and I want to be the first to donate to this important cause, and so here is our check. To make your own donation, go to the website for the Diocese of Olympia and click on the Donate button. On the dropdown menu, you’ll see the Refugee Resettlement Office listed there.

As another Episcopal bishop said, “Advent is a time of waiting for the coming.” I invite you to give to those who have waited and waited and waited to come here. Help me; help us make room for them at the inn.

My sincere good wishes to you all for a blessed Advent.

Donate to the Refugee Resettlement Office below and select “Refugee Resettlement Office” from the dropdown menu.

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