Last month I attended the annual National Episcopal Historians and Archivists conference in Salt lake City, Utah. This year’s theme focused on women in the Church – and featured papers and presentations on Episcopal lay and clergy women – wives, deaconesses, nuns and missionaries – who dedicated their lives to serving others and promoting the work of the Church. One of the papers was given by L. Teresa Di Biase on Deaconess Margaret Peppers and her work in the Diocese of Olympia. I made brief presentations on Dr. Sarah Hucksford Jones and her part in founding St. Luke’s in Sequim and on Dr. Ruth Jenkins, Headmistress at Annie Wright Seminary (now Annie Wright School) from 1942-1963. More information on the conference can be found on the Episcopal News Service at:

If you’d like to learn more about women’s contributions in the Diocese of Olympia, the diocesan Archives has many sources to draw from. I also have a power point presentation entitled, …And the Ladies were Called as Well, which I’m happy to take on the road! Please contact me about this or other Archives and Records Management questions you may have.

Diane Wells, CA
Archivist and Records Manager

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