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With the COVID-19 situation continuing to evolve, a number of events across the diocese have been canceled. We’re including information about all known events here, including any notifications from the event organizers. If you have any questions, please contact and your message will be passed along to the appropriate event organizer within one working day.

From Valerie Reinke, Canon Missioner for Faith Formation: 35 & Under:

Better Together

St. Margaret, Bellevue | March 7

It is with great regret that I inform you that Better Together will not be happening Saturday, March 7; a decision made in concert with diocesan-wide/world-wide concerns about COVID-19.

Those who registered will be refunded, and we are looking ahead to plan B which could include bringing our keynote speaker, Sharon Ely Pearson, in at a later (safer!) date and videotaping some of these workshops so we can have them on the diocesan website.

And many thanks to the over 30 workshop presenters who have been planning for their presentations! These amazing workshops will see the light of day at a future time and place – that’s a promise.

In the meantime, take good care of yourself and your families!

Much love and gratitude,

Creating Burning Bushes with Sharon Ely Pearson

Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle | March 8

Living the Surrendered Life with Rami Shapiro

St. Andrew, Seattle | March 10-12

From Cherry Haisten, Contemplative Ministries Coordinator, The Center at St. Andrew, Seattle:

To our great disappointment, Rabbi Rami Shapiro has had to cancel his scheduled visit March 10-12 due to illness in his family and concerns over the corona virus. This turn of events is what “living the surrendered life” is all about. We had hoped for Rami to come give us lessons for Lent. Instead, his absence is giving us those lessons.

If you bought tickets to the Rami event, you will be credited from Brown Paper Tickets or receive a check from St. Andrew. All refunds should be received by early next week.

Please pray for Rami and his family, for the health of our diocesan community, for all from Western Washington to China and beyond affected by this health crisis. May we surrender all into God’s hands and trust that in some mysterious way beyond our understanding we are all being brought to healing, wholeness, and holiness. May our own surrender contribute to the compassion and peace that manifest God’s beloved community in this world.

2020 Palestinian Film Series

Saint Mark’s Cathedral

The series has been postponed and will be rescheduled when the situation clears.

Cursillo Prayer and Share

St. Paul, Mount Vernon | March 28

The Prayer and Share will be rescheduled after Easter. Questions can be directed to

Darkness to Light: Music for the Easter Season

St. Alban, Edmonds | March 29

Questions can be directed to

Better Together and Other Events Canceled

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