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Tuesday afternoon, Bishop Rickel had the privilege of joining the congregation of St. Dunstan, Shoreline as they prepared and served their weekly community meal at the church and at five different homeless encampments – Tent City 3, Tent City 5, United We Stand, Camp Liberty, and Camp Second Chance Grace. Josef Hinkofer, the kitchen team leader, and the community at St. Dunstan have been serving meals every Tuesday since the congregation hosted Tent City 3 back in 2014, answering the Episcopal Church’s call to meet human needs through loving service. This past Tuesday, St. Dunstan fed 109 people inside their church and another 262 across the five encampments.

Enjoy the brief slideshow below with photos by the Rev. David Marshall and Tom Wear. For more information about St. Dunstan’s meal program and the bishop’s visit, please visit their the Rev. David Marshall’s blog:



Bishop Rickel and St. Dunstan, Shoreline Serve Meals to the Community

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