Dear Ones,

By now many of you are well aware that I have relished taking pilgrims to the Holy Land. As my time as your Bishop comes to an end I am very glad to say that, even though my official ecclesiastical authority will end on December 31, 2022, your Standing Committee has made way for me to lead one final Holy Land Pilgrimage from January 16-31st 2023. Believe it or not we are still “cleaning up” the pilgrimage that was scrubbed twice due to the pandemic. I am grateful the Standing Committee agreed with this. Anyone and everyone is invited to travel on this trip. As with the last several trips this one is offered in two parts. The first 11 days will be the “Holy Land 101” standard pilgrimage through Israel/Palestine, and part two is a Jordan extension to include Petra, and Jerash, and other sites in the country of Jordan. Part one runs from January 16-January 27th , and the Jordan extension continues through January 31st.. The complete itinerary and brochure with all the details for signing up can be found here. If you have ever wanted to do this I hope you can join us for this once in a lifetime experience. I would love to have you along.



2 Responses

  1. Alan & Gail Coburn would like to sign up for the 2023 Holy land pilgrimage, 1/16/23-1/31/23 with Bishop Rickel. Please let us know how to sign up.

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