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Dear Ones,

By now, most of you have heard the news that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of upholding President Trump’s travel ban on individuals coming from five majority Muslim nations. I have already said much about this ban, how it is based on fear and not based on the facts, and I have spoken at length about the decision to join the lawsuit blocking this ban. While I am saddened by the outcome, I do firmly believe that our efforts, along with the efforts of many others who stood with us in defense of the millions of refugees fleeing persecution, famine, and violence, helped to lessen the severity of the original Executive Order.

We will continue to be a church and a community that supports and welcomes the stranger with open arms. We will continue to be a community that stands for the rights and the dignity of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Our Refugee Resettlement Office continues to help individuals and families who have suffered unimaginable tragedy build new lives in our community. We will continue to speak out on these issues, love our refugee and immigrant neighbors, and share God’s love.

During his visit to the diocese, Presiding Bishop Curry encouraged us to find our voices and speak out. “Bankers count dollars, politician count votes,” he said throughout his visit. You can make your voice heard using the immigration advocacy resources my office has compiled:


You can support the Diocese of Olympia’s Refugee Resettlement Office here:




Previous Videos, Statements, and Updates

Bishop Rickel’s Video Statement, Part 1

Bishop Rickel’s Video Statement, Part 2

Lawsuit Statement (February 7, 2017)

Lawsuit Update (March 16, 2017)

Lawsuit Update (July 10, 2017)

Lawsuit Update (September 13, 2017)

Lawsuit Update (November 10, 2017)

Lawsuit Update (January 12, 2018)

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on Supreme Court Travel Ban Ruling

One thought on “Bishop Rickel’s Statement on Supreme Court Travel Ban Ruling

  • June 29, 2018 at 8:33 pm

    An argument can be made that, under Congress’s ceding of authority to the executive branch, the President acted within his statutory prerogatives in ordering this exclusion under Immigration Law. But that doesn’t make the action right or moral in any fair sense of those terms. We elect people to exercise JUDGMENT in those areas of public controversy that “fall between the (clear) lines” of the strict reading of statutes. Alas, we have current leadership that proves itself unable, on a daily basis, to merit the trust we have placed in them. A good argument is emerging that we should elect “ordinary” people who understand the gift of humanity granted by God (however defined) and can make a representative democracy function as envisioned by the Founders.


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