Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia,

Later this week the deputation from the Diocese of Olympia will be traveling to the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church. For those who want to keep up with what will be going on there, including the election of a new Presiding Bishop and the election of the President of the House of Deputies, please go to

There, you’ll find a calendar of events as well as links to live-streams as they are offered.

Some matters of note: 

The Rev. Rachel Tabor-Hamilton, the current Vice President of the House of Deputies, will be one of the candidates for President of the House of Deputies. Please pray for Rachel, Nigel, and for the House of Deputies as they prepare for this election.

The election for Presiding Bishop, which in the Episcopal Church is conducted among the bishops only, will take place on Wednesday, June 26. Please pray for the five nominees and their families.  

Those nominees are:

The Rt. Rev. Scott Barker (Nebraska)
The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutierrez (Pennsylvania)
The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe (Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York)
The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright (Atlanta)
The Rt. Rev. Dede Duncan-Probe (Central New York)

And, of course, pray for me and the rest of the House of Bishops as we make this important decision.

Finally, I ask your prayers for our delegation to General Convention:

  • Rachel Taber-Hamilton, Trinity, Everett 
  • Malcolm McLaurin, Holy Cross, Redmond 
  • Sabeth Fitzgibbons, Trinity, Seattle 
  • Jedediah Fox, Redeemer, Kenmore 
  • Judith Andrews, Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle (Chair) 
  • Sharalyne King, St. Stephen’s, Longview 
  • Tiernan Sweeny-Bender, Epiphany, Seattle 
  • Michael Seewer, Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle 

The two alternates (who will also come to General Convention) are 

  • Elise Johnstone, St. John the Baptist, Seattle (clergy) 
  • April Thomson, Christ Church, Blaine (lay) 

Thank you very much for the support you have given us who will be representing the Diocese of Olympia at this important time in the life of the Episcopal Church.

In Christ,


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