Dear Beloved People of Olympia, The images and stories coming out of Los Angeles this week have been overwhelming. I’m sure many of you like me have family or friends in the area and have been both horrified and offering prayers. Earlier this week it was reported that an Episcopal Church in Altadena was destroyed, and Bishop John Harvey Taylor has updated us of the devastation being experienced and of the deep hope in God’s grace and goodness. First, I
Bishop LaBelle’s Convention Address at the 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Come dear Christ and be among us, helping us to heed your invitation to draw near to you and receive your healing touch. Amen. Diocese of Olympia, you made it! After the resignation of Bishop Greg Rickel over two years ago, being shepherded by Provisional Bishop Melissa Skelton over 18 months, conducting an intentional and Spirit-led 14 month search process followed by a quick 4 months between election and consecration, and now with 42 days since Holy Cross Day—but really,
Bishop LaBelle’s Seating Sermon: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Bishop LaBelle’s Seating Sermon Catherine of Genoa — John 15:5-17 Back in the era when I took the General Ordination Exams—or “GOEs,” for those in the know—the last part of the four day written exam was often called “Coffee Hour Questions.” This closed book section was used to see if the ordinand had the chops to answer difficult questions from parishioners wanting to stump the chump all while sipping a cup of joe. My seminary classmates and I scoured previous
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle Ordained and Consecrated Ninth Bishop of Olympia
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle was ordained and consecrated as the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia on Saturday, September 14, at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington. LaBelle leads nearly 26,000 Episcopalians in more than 100 worshiping communities across Western Washington. The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop for the Episcopal Church, served as the chief consecrator. Co-consecrators were Bishop-Provisional in the Diocese of Olympia, The Most Rev. Melissa Skelton; Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese
A Conversation with the Newly Elected Episcopal Bishop of Olympia and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, and the Bishop-Elect of the Diocese of Olympia, The Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle, led a conversation today with a small group of community leaders in Bellevue, Washington, that focused on issues facing communities in Western Washington, and the grassroots work that is underway led by the Episcopal church, particularly around homelessness and housing affordability. The gathering was on the eve of the ordination and consecration of LaBelle,
The Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle
The Bishop Transition Committee invites all to attend the Ordination and Consecration of The Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle. See the invitations to these blessed services, to take place at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, WA on Saturday, September 14, 2024, linked below. Please see the FAQ page, which includes a full schedule and hotel information. More transition information is available below. Please direct your questions to GENERAL INVITATION CLERGY INVITATION Live-Stream A live-stream of the Ordination and Consecration