Lent 2025: A Message from Bishop LaBelle

Hello, beloved friends of the Diocese of Olympia. We’re about to begin our 40-day journey in the wilderness, and often the conversation turns to things that we might give up…
Bishop LaBelle’s Statement on the Los Angeles Fires

Dear Beloved People of Olympia, The images and stories coming out of Los Angeles this week have been overwhelming. I’m sure many of you like me have family or friends…
Christmas 2024: A Message from Bishop LaBelle

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia. I’m here in what will become our chapel space in Diocesan House. It’s the old library here in the mansion and something that has been under…
Advent 2024: A Message from Bishop LaBelle

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia. The holiday season is upon us. You know this, of course, because it’s been upon us since probably early October when at least I first saw…
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024: A Message from Bishop LaBelle

Dear Beloved of the Diocese of Olympia, As we observe Transgender Day of Remembrance, we are called to hold in our minds and to pray for those around in our…
Fear Not: Embracing the Call to Love – An Election Message from Bishop LaBelle

Fear Not: Embracing the Call to Love – An Election Message from Bishop LaBelle Hello, beloved friends of the Diocese of Olympia. We’re just a couple of days away from…
Bishop LaBelle’s Convention Address at the 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Come dear Christ and be among us, helping us to heed your invitation to draw near to you and receive your healing touch. Amen. Diocese of Olympia, you made it!…
Bishop LaBelle’s Seating Sermon: Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bishop LaBelle’s Seating Sermon Catherine of Genoa — John 15:5-17 Back in the era when I took the General Ordination Exams—or “GOEs,” for those in the know—the last part of…
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle Ordained and Consecrated Ninth Bishop of Olympia

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle was ordained and consecrated as the ninth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia on Saturday, September 14, at the Meydenbauer Center in…
A Conversation with the Newly Elected Episcopal Bishop of Olympia and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, and the Bishop-Elect of the Diocese of Olympia, The Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle, led a conversation today…