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Your Kingdom Come – Bishop Rickel’s 2016 Convention Address

Your Kingdom Come – Bishop Rickel’s 2016 Convention Address

Watch the video of Bishop Rickel’s Address to the 106th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Olympia. Listen to the audio recording of Bishop Rickel’s Address to the 106th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Olympia. October 22, 2016 Good People of the Diocese of Olympia, guests, and visitors. It is so very good to be together with you once again and especially for this our 106th Annual Convention. In preparing for this convention and especially for this address, I

Bishop Rickel’s 10 Rules for Respect


In every Letter of Agreement I have had with congregations, and now with the Diocese of Olympia I have asked that the “10 Rules for Respect” spelled out below be made part of the agreement. I first saw these in an article by Church of the Nazarene pastor Charles Christian. I think they are quite helpful in framing our communication and life together. I vow to do my best to follow them and invite you to do the same. We

Lenten & Good Friday Offerings: A Message from Bishop Rickel

The text of a video Message to all congregations and members of the Diocese of Olympia encouraging participation throughout Lent and especially to gather funds for special missionary purposes. Giving back is something we especially focus on during the season of Lent. In fact our canons say this: Every congregation is encouraged to solicit Church School Lenten Offerings for special missionary purposes to be designated by the Bishop. This is that gentle encouragement. I want to remind you of two