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Bishop Rickel Affirms Support for Transgender Persons

Bishop Rickel Affirms Support for Transgender Persons

Dear Ones, On Monday of this week, it came to light that the United States Department of Health and Human Services is attempting to redefine the legal definition of sex as “either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with,” under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which prevents discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program that receives government assistance. This would remove essential federal recognition and

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on the Homelessness Crisis

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on the Homelessness Crisis

Dear Ones, We are in the midst of a growing crisis across our region due to the rising number of people who find themselves displaced by collapsing industries, rising property and rental costs, sudden illness, job loss, and so many other factors. Homelessness continues to rise year after year, our elected officials seem unwilling and unable to address the situation, and too many of us are turning a blind eye to this humanitarian crisis in our own backyards and are

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on Supreme Court Travel Ban Ruling

Bishop Rickel’s Statement on Supreme Court Travel Ban Ruling

Dear Ones, By now, most of you have heard the news that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of upholding President Trump’s travel ban on individuals coming from five majority Muslim nations. I have already said much about this ban, how it is based on fear and not based on the facts, and I have spoken at length about the decision to join the lawsuit blocking this ban. While I am saddened by the outcome, I do firmly believe

Bishop Rickel Responds to Florida Shooting

Bishop Rickel Responds to Florida Shooting

Dear Ones, Our nation has once again been devastated by the deadly effects of gun violence. It was indeed a stunning collision of time to have this happen as we were in the process of the beginning of Lent, and on Ash Wednesday specifically. One of the most compelling photos of the horror yesterday was a very distraught parent clutching another one, with her ash cross clearly visible on her forehead. Just minutes before she had those ashes placed there,

Bishop Rickel’s Letter to the State Senate on Abolishing the Death Penalty

Bishop Rickel’s Letter to the State Senate on Abolishing the Death Penalty

To the Senate Law and Justice Committee Members, I write this knowing that I will be in the Holy Land and unable to attend in person when you hold a public hearing on SB 6052, a bill to abolish our death penalty. I urge you, in the strongest way, to pass the bill out of committee. I feel great hope that with as much bipartisan support as has been shown, we have finally found something, and a very important something

Bishop Rickel on Latest Updates to Travel Ban Lawsuit

Bishop Rickel on Latest Updates to Travel Ban Lawsuit

Dear Ones, I am pleased to report that the U.S. District Court in Seattle has rejected the federal government’s request to lift the preliminary injunction issued by the court on December 24 that prevents the government from indefinitely barring certain refugees from entering the country. In denying the government’s request, the court has validated our concerns that this administration’s policies have caused immediate and irreparable harm to our own Refugee Resettlement Office, and other agencies like it across the country.

Tragedy in Western Washington

Tragedy in Western Washington

From Bishop Rickel: Dear Ones, Like you, I awoke today to the sad and devastating news of the train derailment in Dupont. Our hearts ache for those who died and for those they loved and who loved them who now mourn their loss. We give thanks for the first responders, who by all accounts, have performed heroically this day. And for the many who were on the interstate who risked their lives to help after witnessing the accident. I know

Update from Bishop Rickel on Lawsuit to Block Travel Ban

Update from Bishop Rickel on Lawsuit to Block Travel Ban

Dear Ones, The ACLU of Washington has filed an amendment to the original lawsuit joined by the Diocese of Olympia and asked for an injunction to stop President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban from separating refugees from their families. The latest restrictions have indefinitely prevented children and spouses from being able to join loved ones already admitted to the U.S. under the refugee program. These latest restrictions cruelly keep families separated and re-traumatize people who have already lived through some of

Bishop Rickel Responds to Sutherland Springs Shooting

Bishop Rickel Responds to Sutherland Springs Shooting

Dear Ones, My heart, as I am sure yours does, breaks as I hear the news coming out of Texas this weekend. During this Sunday’s services at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, a 26-year-old white male entered the building and killed at least 27 individuals, injuring others. While the details are still coming in, we do know that the shooter was killed near the scene. This most recent mass shooting strikes especially close to home, as it

Bishop Rickel Responds to Las Vegas Shooting

Bishop Rickel Responds to Las Vegas Shooting

Dear Ones, Like you I awoke Monday morning to the horrifying news of the senseless slaughter of innocent citizens in Las Vegas by a lone gunman, tremendously over armed with firepower that, in my mind,  should not be allowed in the hands of anyone but our military and our police force. On that same morning I was scheduled to leave for a week of fellowship and bonding with several of our clergy in the mountains, and out of all TV