Vacation Bible School 2015

Have you made your summer plans? See who is offering Vacation Bible School this year. We’re still adding to the list. If your congregation has a VBS running this summer,…

Back to School: Kids, Consumerism and Faith

Last week I noticed the first “Back-to-School” ads in the newspaper. While these ads seem to come out earlier every year, always taking me by surprise, I really do look forward…

Get outside and discover God this summer!

Summer means camp!  Whether camping in the state or national parks with my family, or attending church camp, camp was a vital part of both my experience of summer and…

2014 VBS reviews from VTS available now!

fun hard work laughter discover connected collaborative all welcome outreach music camp stories opportunity These words were all answers in a facebook survey this past week – “What do you…

Happy New Year!

This Sunday it all begins again, a new church year, as we enter the “waiting” season of Advent, the time we have set aside to get ready to come close…

Taking Pictures in my Minds’ Eye

I have to confess that one of my favorite parts of checking facebook is seeing the pictures people post. Yes, even the pictures of their meals! You see, I love…