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Lenten Books from the Resource Center

Lenten Books from the Resource Center

Please contact if you would like to borrow these or other titles; we will be glad to mail them to you. You can also explore our online catalog by typing into your browser and then selecting the Online Catalog link from the Resource Center home page. Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality, by Belden Lane. Oxford University Press, 1998. (248.4 Lan) Writing from his own experiences and longings, Lane backpacks alone in austere landscapes, only

Indigenous Reading List

Indigenous Reading List

List compiled by the Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton Annotations by Sue Tait, Director of Diocesan Resource Center Doctrine of Discovery Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, by Steven T. Newcomb. Fulcrum Pub., 2008. (346.7 New) Mentioned as one of the books influential in the General Convention decision to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery in 2009, Newcome demonstrates how the religious concepts of Christendom have been used to justify the taking of Indian land and denial of

Racial Equity Reading List

Racial Equity Reading List

During the Diocese of Olympia’s Town Hall on June 7, Bishop Rickel made reference to a number of books dealing with issues of racial justice and racism that individuals can read to learn more for themselves, to share with others, or even to start virtual discussion groups in their congregations. Sue Tait, our Diocesan Librarian, has compiled the list of titles mentioned by Bishop Rickel and added several others which might be helpful for individuals wishing to learn more. America’s

Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20): Frequently Asked Questions

Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20): Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend EYE? Youth who are active in their congregation and currently in Grades 9-12, OR between ages 15-19 can apply to be part of the delegation. Teenagers who are struggling with high anxiety and depression may find themselves under greater stress with travel and large scale interactions in unfamiliar places. Adults may only attend if selected to be a chaperone, and chaperone size is strictly controlled. Chaperones must also apply. The Diocese of Olympia will be taking a

El Camino por Delante: Una Decisión del Obispo Rickel

El Camino por Delante: Una Decisión del Obispo Rickel

Versión PDF Imprimible | In English Queridos, Hace poco más de un año, nos embarcamos juntos en un viaje de discernimiento y conversación. Este viaje fue provocado por un voto que hice en las elecciones del episcopado de 2007 en el que dije que probablemente dejaría este puesto en 10-12 años. Si han visto los videos que hice sobre esto y/o asistieron a muchas de las sesiones del conversatorio “Walk Again” del año pasado, sabrán cómo sucedió todo esto. Sentí

The People of the Diocese of Olympia: Treasurer’s Report

The People of the Diocese of Olympia: Treasurer’s Report

September 15, 2007, a new day in the life of the Diocese of Olympia when we welcomed Bishop Greg Rickel as our new Diocesan.  We have come a long way in our financial journey with Bishop Greg’s leadership.  In 2007 our assessment rate was at 18%; in 2012 we were able to lower it to 17.5%; 2016 we lowered it to 16%; then 15% the following year and in 2018 to 14.5. The budget in 2006 was about $6million in

The People of the Diocese of Olympia: A Governance Overview

The People of the Diocese of Olympia: A Governance Overview

Governance includes the boards, councils, commissions and events that provide overall leadership for the Diocese of Olympia. The authority of the Diocese is vested in and exercised by the Bishop, the Convention and the Standing Committee. We are governed by a Constitution and Canons: The Constitution is the fundamental document by which a diocese works. It describes who we are and, among other things, our relationship to the wider church. The Canons are our regulations and rules for implementation and

The People of the Diocese of Olympia: Listening Process Responses

The People of the Diocese of Olympia: Listening Process Responses

Throughout the spring, members of the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement in Western Washington were asked: Who are we now? What do we need to move forward towards our vision? People gathered in churches in Bellingham, Olympia, Seattle, Sequim, and Vancouver for prayerful conversation and learning. An online survey for those who couldn’t make it to Saturday events was also offered. About 450 people attended the WalkAgain events and another dozen responded to the online survey. This process generated

Discernment Resources

Discernment Resources

PRAYER AND DISCERNMENT RESOURCES GUIDE (PRINTABLE PDF) Why discernment? Discernment has been a part of Christian spirituality from its conception. Critical to discernment is the virtue, “Wisdom” (in Greek, Σοφία, Sophia). In ancient Greek culture, Wisdom was pictured as a woman. Philo, an ancient Hellenized (Greek-speaking) Jew, used the term “Logos” (word) to talk about Wisdom as it appeared in the Hebrew Scriptures. This image of Wisdom became a foundational part of the Gospeller John’s explanation of who Jesus was:

Prayer Resources

Prayer Resources

PRAYER AND DISCERNMENT RESOURCES GUIDE (PRINTABLE PDF) A Collect for the Year of Listening Lover of Souls, you sent your son Jesus Christ to show humankind how to live abundantly and dwell in your heavenly kingdom; be with our Bishop Greg, as he ponders your will for his life, and pour out your wisdom and grace upon each member of the Diocese of Olympia as we listen obediently for how we might proclaim the mighty power of your love and