2021 Congregational Leadership Conference
Resources from the February 13, 2021 Congregational Leadership Conference for Wardens, Treasurers, and All Members of Vestries and Bishop’s Committees. https://vimeo.com/514481265https://vimeo.com/514481502https://vimeo.com/514481777https://vimeo.com/516443992https://vimeo.com/514482032https://vimeo.com/516931776https://vimeo.com/516444417https://vimeo.com/514482310https://vimeo.com/516932082https://vimeo.com/516931421https://vimeo.com/516931196 Congregation Authority to Act Financial: Operating Budgets and Assessments…
2025 Congregational Leadership Conference
https://vimeo.com/1067166908?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166920?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166868?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166876?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166883?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166891?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166898?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067921496https://vimeo.com/1067921509https://vimeo.com/1067921519https://vimeo.com/1067921539 2025 Congregational Leadership Conference DropBox Link
Clergy Checklist Regarding Church Property
This is a checklist for clergy with regards to appropriate use of church property. Clergy Checklist Regarding Church Property
Expectations for Ordained Leaders in the Diocese of Olympia
Expectations for clergy who serve or wish to serve in the Diocese of Olympia, Updated May, 2012. Expectations for Ordained Leaders in the Diocese of Olympia
Clergy Manual
Also known as the Clergy Handbook, Manual for Clergy in the Diocese, revised March, 2021. Clergy Manual
Email, Internet, & Social Media Policies & Procedures
Diocesan policy regarding email, internet and social media use by church employees. This is now incorporated in the document Archives and Records Management.
Parish Admission Process
These guidelines are for use by the requesting mission and the reviewing committee appointed by the Office of the Bishop. Parish Admission Process
Church Insurance Agency Corporation and Pastoral Counseling
A list of recommendations and clarifications by The Church Insurance Agency Corporation (CIAC) in regards to pastoral counseling. Updated June, 2009. Church Insurance Agency Corporation and Pastoral Counseling
Letter of Agreement – Deacon
A sample letter of agreement between a deacon, the bishop and the assigned church. Letter of Agreement – Deacon
Customary for Deacons
A document addressing the function and role of the deacon in the Eucharist and various other special liturgies. Customary for Deacons