2021 Congregational Leadership Conference
Resources from the February 13, 2021 Congregational Leadership Conference for Wardens, Treasurers, and All Members of Vestries and Bishop’s Committees. https://vimeo.com/514481265https://vimeo.com/514481502https://vimeo.com/514481777https://vimeo.com/516443992https://vimeo.com/514482032https://vimeo.com/516931776https://vimeo.com/516444417https://vimeo.com/514482310https://vimeo.com/516932082https://vimeo.com/516931421https://vimeo.com/516931196 Congregation Authority to Act Financial: Operating Budgets and Assessments…
2025 Congregational Leadership Conference
https://vimeo.com/1067166908?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166920?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166868?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166876?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166883?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166891?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067166898?share=copy#t=0https://vimeo.com/1067921496https://vimeo.com/1067921509https://vimeo.com/1067921519https://vimeo.com/1067921539 2025 Congregational Leadership Conference DropBox Link
Core Passions Worksheet for Congregation Small Groups
Worksheet for discerning a congregations God-given Core Passions. Core Passions Worksheet for Congregation Small Groups
Congregational Mission and Vision Statement Sample
A sample for a mission and vision statement. Congregational Mission and Vision Statement Sample
Vestry/BC Person of the Month Sample Schedule
Monthly schedule sample for Vestries and Bishop’s Committees Vestry/BC Person of the Month Sample Schedule
Vestry/BC Person of the Month Sunday Duties Sample Checklist
A checklist for duties of the vestry or Bishop’s Committee person of the month Vestry/BC Person of the Month Sunday Duties Sample Checklist
Lambeth – African Ubuntu Bible Study Method
Ubuntu Bible study method Lambeth – African Ubuntu Bible Study Method
Suggested Policies and Procedures List for Congregations
A suggested list of the types of policies and procedures that a vestry might have or want to have for their congregations. Suggested Policies and Procedures List for Congregations
Vestry/Bishop’s Committee Covenant
This document is a sample of a Vestry/BC Covenant signed by all members of the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee at the first meeting after election of new members to the…
Vestry/BC Declaration
This is a document that may be used after the election of the new members of the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee as new members are commissioned to serve in their…