2021 Congregational Leadership Conference

Resources from the February 13, 2021 Congregational Leadership Conference for Wardens, Treasurers, and All Members of Vestries and Bishop’s Committees. https://vimeo.com/514481265https://vimeo.com/514481502https://vimeo.com/514481777https://vimeo.com/516443992https://vimeo.com/514482032https://vimeo.com/516931776https://vimeo.com/516444417https://vimeo.com/514482310https://vimeo.com/516932082https://vimeo.com/516931421https://vimeo.com/516931196 Congregation Authority to Act Financial: Operating Budgets and Assessments…

Congregation Authority to Act

The Canons and Constitution of the Diocese of Olympia describe various approvals required for certain financial transactions in congregations, including property transactions (buying, selling, remodeling, etc.), and loans (from the…

Lobbying Rules for Churches

This document describes the lobbying rules for churches. There are two parts, the first which provides the legal information and the second which has FAQs pertaining to this. Lobbying Rules…

Parish Chancellor Job Description

The following job description is for Parishes only, not for Missions. If you are part of a Parish or Mission and would like to be connected with the Diocesan Chancellor,…