Earthquake Insurance for Churches in the Diocese of Olympia
Earthquake Insurance for Churches in the Diocese of Olympia Planning guide for church earthquake preparedness.
Congregation Authority to Act
The Canons and Constitution of the Diocese of Olympia describe various approvals required for certain financial transactions in congregations, including property transactions (buying, selling, remodeling, etc.), and loans (from the…
Immunization Policies for the Diocese of Olympia (2020)
In February 2020 the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church (TEC) adopted a Model DFMS (Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society) Vaccination Policy for Youth Events, and encouraged dioceses and Episcopal…
Parish Chancellor Job Description
The following job description is for Parishes only, not for Missions. If you are part of a Parish or Mission and would like to be connected with the Diocesan Chancellor,…
Attestation of Childhood Immunizations for Adults
Form to be filled out by health care provider for proof of childhood immunizations. Attestation of Childhood Immunizations for Adults
Self-Attestation of Childhood Immunizations for Adults
Form to be filled out by employee as proof of childhood immunizations. Self-Attestation of Childhood Immunizations for Adults
Parish Admission Process
These guidelines are for use by the requesting mission and the reviewing committee appointed by the Office of the Bishop. Parish Admission Process