Join Bishop Rickel and the Rev. Dennis Tierney for a look at the importance for churches to look after the ongoing maintenance of their buildings.
Bishop Rickel Extends Invitation to Mass Meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign
Bishop Rickel extends an invitation to attend a Mass Meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign with the Rev. William Barber and presents a brief history of the movement. The meeting will be held on November 6, 7pm, at Intellectual House–the Native Life & Tribal Relations Longhouse at the University of Washington.
Wherever Bread is Broken: 2017 Diocesan Convention Introduction
Bishop Rickel speaks about the 2017 Diocesan Convention and this year’s theme: Wherever Bread is Broken.
The Diocese of Olympia’s Legal Defense Fund
Bishop Rickel reflects on the establishment of a legal defense fund for members of our community facing deportation and other legal issues.
A New Work in Multicultural Ministry – Part 2
Bishop Rickel speaks with the Rev. Canon Arienne Davison about the reasons behind the Diocese of Olympia’s shift from Anti-Racism Training to Intercultural Development Training. *Transcripts available upon request.
A New Work in Multicultural Ministry – Part 1
Bishop Rickel speaks with the Rev. Canon Arienne Davison about the history of multicultural ministries within the Diocese of Olympia, as well as some of the upcoming changes to this work throughout the diocese. *Transcripts available upon request.
Ordinary Time: Reflections from Bishop Rickel
Bishop Rickel reflects on the long season of Ordinary Time and the Benedictine adage to do all things extraordinarily well.
An Invitation to Cathedral Day 2017 at Saint Mark’s Cathedral
Bishop Rickel offers a personal invitation to Cathedral Day 2017, on May 13, at Saint Mark’s Cathedral, as well as some reflections on the Cathedral’s purpose in the life of our community.
Faith in Action: Bishop Rickel Responds to Lawsuit Questions (Part II)
Bishop Rickel responds to more specific questions regarding the lawsuits to prevent the City of Seattle from destroying the property of homeless persons and the executive order banning refugees from entering the United States.