Faith in Action: Bishop Rickel Responds to Lawsuit Questions (Part I)

Bishop Rickel Responds to questions about the ACLU lawsuits joined by the Diocese of Olympia to end the City of Seattle’s destruction and confiscation of the property of homeless persons…
Pendulum Swings: A Lenten Message from Bishop Rickel

Bishop Rickel reflects on the season of Lent and the need to press into the seriousness of the season so that we can enjoy the joy of life all the…
Lenten Book Selection 2017 – Fierce Conversations

Join us this Lent in reading Susan Scott’s “Fierce Conversations.” Hear Bishop Rickel’s thoughts on why it’s such a timely book for us to read together as a diocese.
An Inauguration Day Message from Bishop Rickel

Bishop Rickel reflects on the bitter and contentious election and offers his thoughts about Inauguration Day.
Soul Force – Bishop Rickel’s Reflections on Martin Luther King Day

Hear Bishop Rickel’s thoughts on our duty as Christians to stand against racism and bigotry as we celebrate the life, work, and ministry of The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King,…
Being Christ to the World: A Christmas Message from Bishop Rickel

Bishop Rickel’s Christmas message explores the sadness of this season as we move toward a less inclusive society and calls on each of us to be Christ in the world…
A Season of Anticipation – Bishop Rickel’s Advent Message

Bishop Rickel speaks about setting aside the frantic and hectic busyness of the holidays and waiting with joyful anticipation as we contemplate the birth of Jesus.
Aggressively Repairing Relationships – Bishop Rickel on Q13 Fox

“Aggressively repairing relationships is key.” Bishop Rickel was interviewed for Q13 FOX This Morning about healing after this bitter election season.
Southern Social Justice Pilgrimage

This summer our youth went on a southern pilgrimage to learn more about the Civil Rights Movement and how it relates to current movements for social justice.
Bishop Rickel’s 2016 Convention Address

Watch the Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel’s Address to the 106th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia on October 22, 2016 at the Hilton Seattle Airport and Conference…