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Advent 2023: An Advent Message and Appeal from Bishop Skelton

Advent 2023: An Advent Message and Appeal from Bishop Skelton

Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia. I have an idea. During the season of Advent, the season of waiting and looking forward to the coming of Jesus born in an animal stall, how about we do something for people, to use Luke’s language, who are looking for room at the inn? Let me say more. The Refugee Resettlement Office of this Diocese, that resettles hundreds of refugees from all over the world each year, is in need of funds



Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. Advent and a new church year is upon us. It’s always hard to believe for me that it rolls around so quickly. Over our years together, I’ve told you how much I love Advent, because a year starts, but also I’m kind of disappointed when it comes that we don’t often celebrate it in a way I believe it was designed. I don’t believe it’s a mini-Lent. It’s not designed

Advent 2021: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Advent 2021: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. And as I’ve said just about every year, let me also say “Happy New Year.” For our planet, we won’t be saying that for another month or so, but as Christians, we say it now. Our new year starts with the first Sunday of Advent, which this year is Sunday, November 28th. So Happy New Year, church. Advent may be my favorite season, just four Sundays. It’s also the season



Bishop Rickel’s Advent Message Happy New Year, everyone! It may seem a bit early to you, but in the church, Advent begins the New Year. That’s when we say, “Happy New Year.” Advent marks the end of the longest “season,” if you will, in our church year, Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time is just nearly half the entire calendar year, about six months long. By now you know, I really like the rhythms of our liturgical calendar. We have Ordinary Time,

Advent 2017: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Advent 2017: A Message from Bishop Rickel

As we prepare for Advent and enter into this season of expectation and waiting, hear Bishop Rickel’s encouragement to slow down and use this season to truly listen. You can find more reflections from Bishop Rickel on Advent in Living Compass’ “Living Well Through Advent 2017.” Copies are available at their website ( or by calling the Office of the Bishop at 206.325.4200.