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Easter 2024: A Message from Bishop Skelton

Easter 2024: A Message from Bishop Skelton

Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia As a young person growing up in the American South, as a person only marginally involved in the Church, I thought Easter was about pastel colors, baby chicks, easter eggs, and an occasion for some to wear hats. But you and I know better. More than any other feast in the Church, Easter is about the power of God to overturn the negative, life-limiting things that can have dominion over us, over others,

Easter 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Easter 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Alleluia, Christ has risen. The Lord has risen indeed, alleluia. Happy Easter to each and every one of you. Perhaps the highest feast of the Christian life has arrived, Easter, resurrection, new life born out of the old. That’s the hope of Easter, the yearning of Easter, even if, and I would say most especially if, the world itself doesn’t seem to portray it, does not seem to go along, as it were. This is the point really, even out