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Lent 2024: A Message from Bishop Skelton

Lent 2024: A Message from Bishop Skelton

Greetings, people of the Diocese of Olympia. From John’s Gospel: “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” You may notice that the visual we’re using for Lent is a picture of the Northwest woods with a large, really a huge fallen tree across whatever might be seen as a path, a fallen tree already in the process of becoming new life. For me, Lent is

Lent 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Lent 2022: A Message from Bishop Rickel

Greetings, Diocese of Olympia and all who may be watching. It is indeed hard to believe that this will be our third Lent in which one of our main overarching themes and topics of daily life is this ongoing pandemic. These last three years have been a rollercoaster, to say the least, up and down, feeling that this long disruption will soon end, only to have it not end, but even worsen. All the while we learn, we grow, we