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Advent 2023: An Advent Message and Appeal from Bishop Skelton

Advent 2023: An Advent Message and Appeal from Bishop Skelton

Greetings, People of the Diocese of Olympia. I have an idea. During the season of Advent, the season of waiting and looking forward to the coming of Jesus born in an animal stall, how about we do something for people, to use Luke’s language, who are looking for room at the inn? Let me say more. The Refugee Resettlement Office of this Diocese, that resettles hundreds of refugees from all over the world each year, is in need of funds

Talley Breedlove – Seattle Service Corp Intern

Talley Breedlove – Seattle Service Corp Intern

Talley Breedlove is a Seattle Service Corps Intern and has been working at St. Luke’s Edible Hope Kitchen since this past September. She is leaving us this month and this is a reflection of her time working at Edible Hope Kitchen.   I came to Edible Hope as part of my placement with Seattle Service Corps. I am from the Diocese of Western North Carolina which I keep leaving to find opportunities within the church to learn and explore. Before

Two important resolutions from our Convention going to General Convention

Two important resolutions from our Convention going to General Convention

Last fall, our Diocese overwhelmingly passed two resolutions regarding Palestinian rights. One is a resolution for General Convention that condemns Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestinians and urges our government to take action in opposition. The other is an Education Resolution, directing us in our own Diocese to learn more about the Palestinian situation. The General Convention Resolution has worked its way through the hearing process and was looking ready to proceed to the Convention floor in July, however new

Justice Interrupted: Remembering Executive Order 9066 and the Legacy of St. Peter, Seattle

Justice Interrupted: Remembering Executive Order 9066 and the Legacy of St. Peter, Seattle

In 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 which laid the groundwork for the wrongful internment of countless Japanese-American citizens. The parishioners of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Seattle, a historically Japanese-American parish, were taken from their homes and placed in internment camps. Bishop Rickel introduces our upcoming series of interviews with the current parishioners of St. Peter, Seattle who survived the internment camps and this tragic chapter of American history.   In this first installment of interviews with parishioners

Bishop Rickel Extends Invitation to Mass Meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign

Bishop Rickel Extends Invitation to Mass Meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign

Bishop Rickel extends an invitation to attend a Mass Meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign with the Rev. William Barber and presents a brief history of the movement. The meeting will be held on November 6, 7pm, at Intellectual House–the Native Life & Tribal Relations Longhouse at the University of Washington.