Cathedral Day is a celebration of the community of the Diocese of Olympia—a “family reunion” for Episcopalians from across western Washington. Both Cathedral Day 2020 and Cathedral Day 2021 were cancelled due to the pandemic, but Cathedral Day will be back in May 2022, with all the fun and fellowship of this beloved tradition. This is a time for connecting across communities, experiencing your cathedral in a new light… and a lot of fun. There’s something for everyone—no matter your age!
Come together on Saturday, May 7! You can join in the festivities in-person at Saint Mark’s if you’re able to be physically present, or join remotely via the live-stream if you have a health condition, physical limitation, or any other reason that prevents you from attending in-person. A liturgy of Holy Eucharist with the rites of confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation for candidates from parishes near and far will begin at 10:30am, opening with a grand, colorful procession of parish banners. Following the service, all are invited to have lunch from food trucks and participate in activities for all ages. This year’s festivities will include Jerusalem Greer from the office of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, who will lead a workshop and a prayer walk.
Food truck lunch is free with advance registration. All parishes in the diocese are encouraged to send a representative with their parish banner for the procession, whether or not there are confirmation candidates from your parish. For more information, contact Tonja May at or Canon Wendy Claire Barrie
2022 Schedule for Cathedral Day
- 9:00am – Candidates and sponsors check-in
- 9:15am – Candidates and sponsors rehearsal in the nave
- 9:45am – Candidates meet with Bishop Rickel in Bloedel Hall
- 10:10am – Procession of candidates and parish representatives forms in front of cathedral (outdoors)
- 10:30am – Festive Holy Eucharist with Rites of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation
- 12:30pm – Liturgy concludes
- 12:00–3:00pm – Food truck lunch, time for fellowship, and fun for all ages! Bounce house, photo booth, recycled paper airplane making (and launching from the organ loft!), collaborative art project, Peter Boome art exhibit in the cathedral nave, organ demonstration, and more!
- 1:00pm – Brian Sellers-Petersen, Diocese of Olympia Agrarian Missioner and Good News Garden Consultant, invites you to “Bee” Spreaders of Good News! — A workshop on gardening and evangelism (Jerusalem Greer, Evangelism Officer of the Episcopal Church, has had to cancel because of COVID concerns)
- 2:00pm – Neighborhood Evangelism Prayer Walk with Adam Conley, Saint Mark’s Staff/ Seattle Service Corp Director / Brian Sellers Petersen invites hands-on participation in the Leffler House garden
- 3:00pm – Cathedral Day concludes