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It is a time of transition within our diocese, and we have a new clergy transition to announce.

The Rev. Beth Orling has accepted a call as interim priest of Faith, Pouslbo.

The Rev. Elizabeth “Beth” Orling graduated from Philadelphia Lutheran Seminary (now known as United Lutheran Seminary) and served a south Jersey congregation for about eight years before marrying her high school sweetheart, Robert Zimmermann, also a Lutheran pastor, and moving to Washington State. Here she served several congregations as interim priest and has taken part in parish life at Grace Episcopal, Bainbridge, and St. Paul’s Episcopal, Port Townsend. She worked for several years as a hospice chaplain in the Port Townsend area.

She has three children who live with their spouses on the East Coast and she loves her young adult grandchildren “to the moon and back.” Before seminary she worked as a German teacher, teacher of blind and visually impaired adults, computer programmer, account manager, and writer of technical manuals and “help” systems. She assists her spouse in their species rhododendron nursery.

She believes strongly in the value of Christian Education for children and adults. She looks forward to getting to know the people of Faith and to support and care for them during their time of transition.

Please join us in welcoming Rev. Orling to her new role in the diocese, and keep all congregations experiencing transition in your prayers.

Clergy Transitions in the Diocese of Olympia

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