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A closeup of a handheld electronic voting device, held by two hands

At our 2019 Diocesan Convention at the Lynnwood Convention Center, we elected representatives to Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and the diocesan offices of archivist and records manager, treasurer, and historiographer. We also elected our deputation to the 2021 General Convention of The Episcopal Church!

See our complete list of elections below.

A woman standing at a podium in front of a black curtain, smiling.

Diocesan Council

  • The Rev. Connie Carlson (St. Andrew, Seattle) | Be Attitudes Regional Ministry | Clerical Order
  • Stuart Case (St. Barnabas, Bainbridge Island) | Peninsula Regional Ministry | Lay Order
  • Kyle Davidson (St. Paul, Bellingham) | Mount Baker Regional Ministries | Lay Order
  • The Rev. Josh Hosler (Good Shepherd, Federal Way) | Evergreen Regional Ministry | Clerical Order
  • Tina Francis Mutungu (Trinity, Seattle) | Holy C Regional Ministry | Lay Order
  • Marian Stinson (St. Mary, Lakewood) | Rainier Regional Ministry | Clerical Order

Standing Committee

  • The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty (Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle) | Clerical Order
  • Vikki Day (St. Andrew, Seattle) | Lay Order

Diocesan Offices

  • Archivist and Records Manager – Diane Wells
  • Treasurer – Barb Fox
  • Historiographer – Carle Griffin

General Convention Deputation

  • The Rev. Kate Wesch | Clerical Order
  • The Rev. Sarah Butler Ginolfi | Clerical Order
  • The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton | Clerical Order
  • The Rev. Jedediah Fox | Clerical Order
  • Maria Gonzalez | Lay Order
  • Judith Andrews | Lay Order
  • Douglas Oles | Lay Order
  • Josh deLacey | Lay Order

General Convention Alternates

  • The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty | Clerical Order
  • The Rev. R.C. Laird | Clerical Order
  • The Rev. Dianne Andrews | Clerical Order
  • The Rev. Rich Weyls | Clerical Order
  • Tieran Sweeney-Bender | Lay Order
  • April Thomson | Lay Order
  • Sandi Carter | Lay Order
  • Kyle Davidson | Lay Order

A young man stands at a microphone, reading from a paper in a room with people sitting and a female priest standing behind him

At our 2019 Diocesan Convention, we also passed several resolutions – proposed acts or decisions that the diocese will adopt. The following resolutions were passed at this year’s Diocesan Convention.

  • Resolution #1: 2021 Assessment Rate – The 2021 rate will be set at 14.5% of Net Disposable Income.
  • Resolution #2: Cost of Living Adjustment to Clergy Salary Scale for 2020 – The Cost of Living Adjustment for 2020 parochial clergy salary scale will be set at 2.3%.
  • Resolution #3: Updating Policy on Medicare Supplemental Insurance for Clergy & Lay Diocesan Employees – To read the full text of this resolution that was adopted, please see the Convention 2019 Resolutions Report.
  • Resolution #4: Increasing Affordable and Supportive Housing – This resolution to support local and statewide efforts to provide more affordable and supportive hours was passed. To read the full text, please see the Convention 2019 Resolutions Report.
  • Resolution #5: Creation of a Committee on Land Acknowledgement – This resolution to create a committee to examine the subject of Land Acknowledgement of Indigenous Peoples in the Diocese of Olympia was passed. To read the full text, please see the Convention 2019 Resolutions Report.
Convention 2019 Elections and Resolutions

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