Friday, October 27, you have the opportunity to attend two sessions of workshops presented by diocesan programs and ministries. Session 1 is from 10:00-11:00am and Session 2 is from 11:15am-12:15pm. Workshops are free and you do not need to preregister; they are also open to all so if other members of your congregation are interested in a specific topic invite them along. Check out all the offerings and details below:
101: Telling Your Story. Birch—Session 1; repeated in Session 2. Learn about how to tell your ministry or church’s story in a way to raise more funds, gain more volunteers, and impact a larger population. In turn you will hear how MTS-Seattle has used storytelling to grow over the years. Sponsor: The Mission to Seafarers. Presenters: Ken Hawkins, executive director. A volunteer since 1994, Ken has led the Mission to Seafarers since 2010. He is passionate about meeting the needs of seafarers around the globe and serving communities in the Seattle area.
102: Promoting a Safer Church Environment. Oak—Session 1; repeated in Session 2. This workshop offers an introduction to promoting a safer church environment through describing the challenges and looking at mitigation of risks to faith based property and persons. Sponsor: Church of the Good Shepherd, Vancouver. Presenters: Ron Miller is a retired law enforcement officer, licensed marriage and family therapist, and Capital Murder Mitigation Specialist. David Virtue is a former FBI agent and retired lieutenant with the Portland Police Bureau.
103: Update on Refugee Resettlement Programs. Cedar—Session 1; repeated in Session 2. Join executive director, Greg Hope, to learn about current programs offered through our diocesan Refugee Resettlement Office. You’ll hear how it intersects with federal programs, guidelines and regulations, and how your congregation can get involved. Sponsor: Refugee Resettlement Office.
104: Creating or Re-invigorating a Church Legacy Society. Hemlock—Session 1. Whether you want to start a planned giving program for your church or re-invigorate a program that is languishing, this workshop will offer practical advice and concrete steps. Making a planned gift to the Church is pastoral, evangelistic, good stewardship, and a ministry of discipleship. A planned giving ministry builds pastoral relationships today and provides for future generations. Sponsor: Life Planning Ministry. Presenters: The Rev. David Marshall, St. Dunstan, Shoreline & Jean Leed, St. Mark’s Cathedral.
105: Life Planning Workshops at Your Church. Hemlock—Session 2. A “how to” on hosting a Life Planning Workshop at your church. Three themes: wills, end-of-life, and funerals/memorials. Learn how consultants will guide you through the process. Great handouts to take home and start the conversation with your Stewardship Committee and/or vestry/bishop’s committee. Sponsor: The Cathedral Foundation of the Diocese of Olympia & Life Planning Ministry. Presenters: The Rev. Rich Weyls, St. Andrew, Seattle, and Susan Knirk, St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle.
106: Light in the Darkness: Depression and the Church. Pine—Session 1. How do we address Depression in the context of the church? Join the conversation. Bring your experiences and questions for our panel of clergy, lay people, and professionals. Sponsor: Diocesan Mental Health Task Force. Presenters: Panel TBD.
107: Prayer & Gratitude: Developing the Wholehearted Life in small groups. Pine—Session 2. This session will highlight the importance of regular study of scripture and prayer, specifically in a group setting. We will share user-friendly materials that get mailed directly to your home to begin the study of the 26 healing scriptures of Jesus. Other meditative prayer tools will be shared and there will be a brief time set aside for a guided meditation and Q & A time about the scriptural study prepared by the Order of St. Luke. Sponsor: The Order of St. Luke (OSL). Presenter: Saran Warne, OSL convener at Church of the Good Shepherd, has been the Region 6 director for 3 years and a member of OSL for 15 years. She facilitates weekly meetings, organizes an annual healing weekend with national speakers, and facilitates and trains prayer teams for Sunday services.
108: Is Creation Breaking. Spruce—Session 2. Hurricane, fire, and flood. Alaskan villages and Pacific islands struggle to survive rising seas. What can we do, in our home churches and diocese, to address these humanitarian and environmental challenges? Partnership with the Diocese of Southern Philippines? Green Team projects in our churches? Prayerful advocacy? Come share your ideas and strategies with us. Remember, the bread we break together is a gift of Creation. Sponsor: Bishop’s Committee for the Environment. Presenters: Members of the Committee, the Rev. Kathleen Patton, & Nancy McConnell.
109: Fierce Conversations: An Introduction. Alder—Session 1. Learn the significance and far-reaching implications of conversations – at home, at church, at work – and how to engage with the Fierce Conversations training. Learn the 4 Objectives, the 3 Transformational Ideas, and the 7 Principles of Fierce Conversations. Information on hosting a one- or two-day Fierce Conversations training in your local congregation will be provided. Sponsor: Office of the Bishop. Presenters: Certified facilitators, Dede Moore, Canon for Governance & Human Resources, and the Rev. Canon Dr. Marda Steedman Sanborn, Canon to the Ordinary.
110: Convention Orientation. Alder—Session 2. Are you a first-time convention attendee? Been to convention before, but looking for a refresher on Robert’s Rules of Order or how the convention works? This session will answer your questions and prepare you for the general sessions to come. Sponsor: Convention Office. Presenters: Ann McCartney, parliamentarian; Jamie Balducci, chair, dispatch of business; and Karen Gusse, secretary of convention.
111: Increase the Effectiveness of your Ministry through Coaching Techniques. Spruce—Session 1. Leaders in the private and public sector are finding coaching techniques to be very effective in increasing employee satisfaction and productivity. These concepts translate very well to our ministries in church. Whether you are a priest or a lay leader, you’ll find coaching strategies helpful in problem-solving and connecting members of your church community more deeply into whatever ministry draws them. Join this fun and engaging training. Sponsor: Congregational Consulting Network. Presenter: Diana Bender is a nationally certified coach who does leadership and transition coaching for our Diocese and others around the country.