Dan Oberg
Director, St. Andrew's House Retreat and Conference CenterDan Oberg serves as Executive Director at St. Andrew’s House, a retreat & conference center owned by the Episcopal Church of Western Washington. Dan was previously Director of the Grünewald Guild, an art & faith community near Leavenworth, for 10 years. Prior to that experience, Dan served as a lay minister in a number of nonprofits over the past three decades, as an administrator, counselor, program coordinator, Board member and consultant. With his MA in Marriage & Family Ministries from Fuller, Dan is a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy, and also received a Certificate in Leadership in the New Parish with The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. Dan is married to his lovely wife, Lois, and has two grown sons, embarking on adventures of their own.
- director@saintandrewshouse.org
- 360.898.2362