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Is your parish missing liturgical vestments that seem too costly to replace? We may have what you need at a very low, second-hand price – or maybe free! Have you wondered if a certain item, or style would work? We do loans of 1-24 months, with allowances for special situations. We have many excess chasubles which are available free – one per parish or institute.

Check out our A – Z List of Resources & Supplies on the Diocesan Website. You may also call the Diocesan Altar Guild direct: 206-826-7211. We are in Tuesday and Wednesday from approx. 10:00am-6:00pm, or leave us a message with a phone number. Small group tours are welcome!

Sherry K. Garman
Diocesan Altar Guild

Diocesan Altar Guild Offers Vestments and Much More to Local Congregations

One thought on “Diocesan Altar Guild Offers Vestments and Much More to Local Congregations

  • January 6, 2019 at 3:00 pm

    Hi Sherry

    Grace Church, Lopez Island is in need of some linens if you have any available:

    4 purificators, 2 linen palls, 2 linen veils

    Telephone 360 468 4404

    Thank you.


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